
Continued on-location teaching and examination in our facilities

The Public Health Agency of Sweden and the Swedish Government has decided that we should continue to have on-location teaching and examination in our facilities. During shorter periods of times and at certain occasions, online teaching can be used to thin out in teaching facilities and to avoid crowding.

On account of the new restrictions that start to apply today, Wednesday 12 January, we introduce additional disease control measures:

  • If possible, extra resits will offered for those who cannot take part at the regular examination sitting due to symptoms, illness or quarantine.
  • Protective masks are available at Infocenter in both cities during regular opening hours. In Kalmar, Infocenter is located in building Stella and in Växjö it is located in building H.

Protective masks and hand sanitizer is available in our examination rooms.

We all have great individual responsibility to keep the distance, to not contribute to crowding, and to stay at home in case we show any symptoms or are ill.

The most important measure, according to the Public Health Agency of Sweden, is that everyone who can get vaccinated also do this. If you have not yet gotten your first vaccination shot – get vaccinated now! If you have taken your second shot, make sure to book your third shot when it is your turn.