Alumni story: From a teaching job in China to software development in Sweden
Hailing Wang graduated with a bachelor’s degree in literary translation and was working as a teacher in China. After one year, she felt she needed a change and decided to come to Linnaeus University.
“First, I just applied for the Summer Academy as I wanted to spend a summer vacation abroad doing something different. After a few days at Linnaeus University, I decided I wanted to continue studying here because of the peaceful nature and exciting study environment, so I changed my major to software development for better career opportunities”.
Hailing did an intership and wrote her thesis at Ericsson.
“During the last semester of my bachelor’s studies, I got a thesis topic from Ericsson and the opportunity to do an internship with focus on open-source software management. Now, I am a software developer at IST, working on application of convenient services for schools, students, and parents”.
Working alongside her studies, Hailing was able to practice the skills that she attained through her studies and internship.
“I was enrolled on the course company-based work placement in computer science when I got my first summer internship in Sweden. Students can get supervisors from the university as well as from the work placement. I really recommend practicing as much as possible during your studies, as this will help you become more determined and confident when walking into the interview room”.
Linnaeus University Career Centre supported Hailing in finding a job in Sweden.
“I got the contact information through Linnaeus University Career Centre and it led me to my current job here at IST. Linnaeus University provided me with the support that I needed when I was looking for a job. The staff at Career Centre helped me get through the basic hiring process in Sweden, such as writing a CV and reference letters, preparing me for basic questions in an interview, and much more”.
By taking part at career fairs and on the mentor programme, Hailing got a good overview of the job market, could connect with companies, and prepare herself for interviews.
“The mentor programme was also beneficial and worth attending. As a student, you can get a mentor with experience and knowledge within a specific field, which means you will extend your network and strengthen your qualifications for your future career”.
Hailing recommends students to not be afraid of rejection when looking for a job and to learn Swedish if the long-term plan is to stay in Sweden.
“Never be afraid to get rejected. An email that begins with "We greatly appreciate your interest in the position" does not mean that you won’t get any more opportunities, it would increase the possibility for you to get the dream offer because of your determination and persistence. It’s not impossible, so keep trying!”