Linnaeus University awards badges of merit to four of its researchers and teachers
Every year, Linnaeus University awards individuals who, in one way or another, have made significant contributions to Linnaeus University’s vision. These individuals receive a badge of merit. At the Academic Ceremony in February 2023, four new recipients will be celebrated.
Badges of merit are awarded to people who in a prominent way have contributed to the strengthening of the vision of the creative and international research and knowledge environment that promotes curiosity, creativity, companionship, and utility at Linnaeus University.
“International and national collaboration is important for the development of the university and a necessity for setting knowledge in motion. The members of staff that we celebrate are all good examples of this as they contribute to the university’s development”, explains Ann-Charlotte Larsson, deputy vice-chancellor for internationalisation, innovation, and societal driving force.
In addition to the honour and a diploma, a badge of merit also includes an amount of SEK 25 000 each that is to be used within the frame of research, skills development, or other activity of significance to the individual’s continued development within the university’s activities.
“Celebrating members of staff who have made valuable contributions is important to the university. It is a nice tradition and means a lot both to the individual recipients and to their colleagues”, says Niklas Ammert, pro vice-chancellor.
The awards will be handed out at Linnaeus University’s Academic Ceremony that place in Kalmarsalen, Kalmar on 3 February, 2023.
Badges of merit for 2023 are awarded to the following four
- Award to prominent researcher goes to associate professor Anónio Filipe Teixeira Macedo at the Department of Medicine and Optometry.
Motivation: Antonio Macedo successfully conducts research within the socially important field of optometry at Linnaeus University. He has a productive, international research career and has supervised many doctoral students.
With the university’s best interest in focus, he inspires his surroundings through enthusiasm and is committed to developing his research interdisciplinary and in collaboration. He leads the optometry research in a very humble way and inspires his colleagues to conduct research.
- Award to researcher or doctoral student who has made significant contributions within societal driving force or for Linnaeus University in the world goes to professor Charlotte Silander at the Department of Education and Teachers’ Practice.
Motivation: Charlotte Silander has been a driving force in the internationalisation work, first at Växjö University and now at Linnaeus University. She has worked actively in multiple ways to promote Linnaeus University in the world. She has also run many international education and research collaborations in Kenya, South Africa, the U.S., and Europe.
Silander is one of Linnaeus University’s STINTonians and taught one semester at Williams College in the U.S. At home, Silander has been a driving force in the development work for the teacher education, among other things through internationalisation and decolonialisation of syllabi and reading lists, and through a workshop series on I-guidance for students to increase international exchange.
- Award to prominent supervisor within third-cycle education goes to post-retirement professor Per Gerrevall at the Department of Sport Science.
Motivation: Per Gerrevall has been a highly appreciated and skilled supervisor who has successfully led many doctoral students to their thesis defence. He has been of great importance for the establishment of third-cycle education in both pedagogy and sport science.
Through his knowledge, calmness, perceptiveness, and genuine interest, he has shared his expertise and offered advice and counselling to doctoral students as well as to doctoral supervisors and supervisor colleagues.
- Award to prominent teacher for pedagogical skills goes to Morgan Rydbrink at the Department of Informatics.
Motivation: Morgan Rydbrink is a skilled teacher, perceptive towards his students and flexible in how he presents the subject content to them. He strives to constantly improve his own work and the outline of his courses.
What is more, Rydbrink is a driving force in the pedagogical development at his department, always ready to share his knowledge and ideas with his colleagues.