SEK 47 million in research grants from the Swedish Research Council
A total of SEK 47 million, distributed across 13 individual projects, has recently been granted by the Swedish Research Council.
Humanities and Social Sciences
- Rebecca Duncan, SEK 3 085 000
Comparative literature – Resources and energy in South African literature: from colonialism and apartheid to climate emergency
- Lucia Hodgson, SEK 3 099 000
History – Sweden Texas: Swedish settlers and slavery in 19th century Texas
- Maarten Manse, SEK 3 295 000
History – competition or cooperation? Southeast Asian actors and ideas in the building of colonial empires, circa 1700–1942
- Jonathan Rozenkrantz, SEK 2 050 000
Film Studies – filmic games: an intermedia archaeological study
Science and Engineering
- Hanna Farnelid, SEK 3 840 000
Ecology – Small phytoplankton, an unexplored carbon sink
- Alf Månsson, SEK 3 600 000
Biophysics - Chemomechanical energy conversion in actomyosin and release of inorganic phosphate from myosin
- Petter Tibblin, SEK 4 000 000
Evolutionary biology – Time for play and offspring's temperature tolerance – are they linked?
- Ian Nicholls, SEK 3 820 000
Biomedicine – New approaches for the production of nanostructured materials for recognition of biomacromolecules in diagnostics
- Jarone Pinhassi, SEK 4 000 000
Microbiology – The carbon cycle in the ocean: on the importance of bacteria's proteorhodopsin-driven light utilization for handling nutrient limitation
- Janina Rahlff, SEK 4 000 000
Microbiology – Viral transfer in the dynamic environment of the ocean’s surface microlayer and rainwater
Educational Science
- Marina Wernholm, SEK 5 869 000
Didactics – Exploring six-year-olds' meaning-making in various subjects through multimodal teaching and their creation of digital animations
Medicine and Health
- Jonas Waldenström, SEK 3 600 000
Microbiology – Past, present, and future: avian diseases in a changing climate
Artistic Research
- Hanna Hallgren, SEK 2 679 000
Literary representation – The fourth part: the style, the self, the ethics in a Swedish biographical minority history