Hans Grönqvist participated in TV4's morning news about vulnerable areas

Hans Grönqvist from the School of Business and Economics has participated in TV4 Nyhetsmorgon to discuss his report on vulnerable areas.

There are large differences between the country's vulnerable areas and other residential areas. This is evident from a number of measures of economic and social conditions. Admittedly, the conditions in the vulnerable areas do not seem to have changed compared to other areas since the beginning of the 2010s, but it rather indicates that they are in a permanent state of marginalization, writes researcher Hans Grönqvist, Susan Niknami and Torsten Santavirta in the SNS report The importance of the residential area for crime and children's opportunities.

"Our research review shows that the conditions in areas where children grow up have an impact on their opportunities in life. This is one of the reasons why the conditions in the vulnerable areas are worrying. We are calling for measures that make it easier for families with children to move away", says Hans Grönqvist, professor of economics at the School of Business and Economics  at Linnaeus University.