Changed regulations for certain international travel on account of covid-19
The Swedish Government has decided that people travelling to Sweden from China must show a certificate of a negative covid-19 test result, regardless of vaccination status. Individual countries may also have restrictions for entry and exit.
Entry to Sweden from China
The Public Health Agency of Sweden has now established what criteria these certificates should meet. This concerns, among other things, what types of covid-19 tests are approved and how old they may be.
Detailed instructions for what criteria must be met at entry into Sweden from China can be found on the Public Health Agency of Sweden’s website.
Trips abroad
If you travel abroad, keep track of the Swedish embassy’s information on what applies at your destination. At, you will find compiled information on what applies when travelling.
Travel information from the Ministry for Foreign Affairs
On the webpage UD:s reseinformation [Travel information from the Ministry for Foreign Affairs] you will find advice and information that will be useful before and during your trip abroad. Here you will also find information on what countries the Ministry for Foreign Affairs advises against travelling to, information on visa, and links to Swedish embassies and consulates.
The app UD Resklar uses location services and push notifications that will make it easier for you to keep track during your trip. In the app, you can also take part of travel information, find contact details to Swedish embassies, and get advice and recommendations in case you would find yourself in an emergency situation abroad.