Elite Sports Scholarship of SEK 50 000 awarded to students Mathilda Wiberg and Daniel Gustafsson
Mathilda Wiberg and Daniel Gustafsson engage in elite sports while studying at Linnaeus University. Recently, they were awarded the Swedish Sports Confederation’s and Svenska Spel’s Elite Sports Scholarship of SEK 50 000 for demonstrating excellent results in their sports alongside full-time university studies.
Studying at an elite sports-friendly university allows athletes to pursue dual careers. This is a path both Mathilda and Daniel have chosen. Here, they both share their joy in receiving the scholarship, their dedication to their sports, and their studies at Linnaeus University.
Matilda Wiberg is studying to become a ship captain while competing in powerboat racing. She chose this sport for its enjoyable blend of racing and being on the water.
How does it feel to be awarded the Swedish Sports Confederation’s Elite Sports Scholarship?
“It is an honour to receive the Elite Sports Scholarship, and it's exciting to be recognised as a student excelling in elite sports”.
How will you use the scholarship?
“I will use the money for travel between school and training/competition, as well as to enhance my training opportunities and to test things to improve my athletic performance”.
What is your goal in your sport?
“This season, I started competing in the Formula 2 class. In this class, you race on a track with about 20 boats reaching speeds of approximately 200km/h. My long-term goal is to become the world champion in this class”.
What programme are you studying?
“I am on my second year of the Nautical Science Programme at Linnaeus University, in Kalmar. Life at sea has always interested me. Working as a ship captain entails a lot of responsibility, and it's something I find enjoyable. I chose Linnaeus University because Kalmar is a beautiful city that isn't too far from my hometown, Stockholm. The university is an elite sports-friendly university, EVL, that supports me in my competing through flexible exam and assignment dates and other resources. I am very satisfied with my choice of programme and university and look forward to the coming years”.
Daniel Gustafsson is studying to become an upper secondary school teacher, with specialisation in sports and health, and history, while also playing table tennis on the national para team.
How does it feel to be awarded the Swedish Sports Confederation’s Elite Sports Scholarship?
“It feels very good and is a sign that they want to invest in me and that I have performed well in competitions throughout the year. The combination of studies and elite sports has worked well for me”.
How will you use the scholarship?
“The scholarship provides security since I didn't have a summer job this year. Actually, my goal was to get the scholarship, so it feels really good to have received it. The money will be used for everyday expenses such as food and rent”.
What is your goal in your sport?
“I play table tennis, more specifically on the national para team, as I have a slight nerve injury in my right arm. The goal is to qualify for the Paralympics in Paris next year and try to win a medal there. Interestingly, I play table tennis with my right arm even though I'm left-handed. This is because my mum and dad thought it would be good for me to start playing with my right hand to train it, which I am very grateful for as it has greatly improved the mobility in my right arm”.
What programme are you studying?
“I am studying to become an upper secondary school teacher, with specialisation in the subjects sports and health, and history. I have always wanted to work with people and feel that I am helping others. I come from the small town Hultsfred, which means the distance to Växjö was just right to be able to visit family, relatives, and friends occasionally. Plus, I had heard very positive things about Linnaeus University. Studying through an elite sports-friendly university, EVL, has worked very well. The teachers have been very helpful when I have had to travel, and I’ve been able to manage my studies even while on the move. I have actually performed better since I started studying because I have had something else to focus on and be interested in. An elite sports career is often unpredictable, but an education can make it more stable. At the same time, you make new friends and develop a lot as a person.
Do you also want to combine university studies with your elite sports pursuit?
Learn more about studying at an elite sports-friendly university
Learn more about the Elite Sports Scholarship on the Swedish Sports Confederation’s website.