Green light from UKÄ for Linnaeus University's quality-assurance work
Following its review of the higher education institution, The Swedish Higher Education Authority (UKÄ) has decided to give Linnaeus University the collective assessment approved quality-assurance work. Roughly half of all the higher education institutions that have been reviewed have received the collective assessment approved, which is the highest rating on a three-step scale, at the first review.
During the last year, UKÄ reviewed Linnaeus University’s systematic quality-assurance work for courses and programmes at first-, second-, and third-cycle level.
“We really do have reason to be pleased. This can be seen as proof that we have a system that works and that the extensive work that is conducted within all parts of our operations is relevant and effective; that it secures and strengthens our quality”, says Niklas Ammert, pro vice-chancellor and chair of RUL (the Council for Education and Learning).
UKÄ’s assessment is based on, among other things, our own self-assessment, a student statement, and two site visits at which a large number of interviews were conducted.
The assessment group's statement comprises more in-depth observations within sex areas of assessment. Strengths identified by the assessment group are evident here, but also areas that may have potential for further development.
“The feedback on potential areas of development is very valuable to us in our continued quality-assurance work. One can say that is actually the most important task of an external review: to help us become aware of what we can do even better”, Ammert concludes.