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Increased growth potential for companies in the Linnaeus region through new project using artificial intelligence and high-performance computer programs

Small and medium-sized companies in the Linnaeus region will get the opportunity to increase their data-driven ability with support from artificial intelligence (AI) and high-performance computing (HPC). That is the goal of a new project at the Department of Computer Science and Media Technology and the Department of Management at Linnaeus University.

The project aims to give companies the possibility to take important steps on their digital development journey within the field of technology. By increasing the competence level within data-driven development, both on a general level and on a deeper technical level, the project hopes to give the companies the opportunity to streamline their operations, reduce costs, and develop new sustainable services and products.

“Today, many smaller companies lack the knowledge on how their data can be converted into new services or products. By giving them the opportunity to learn more about data-driven development and how to use technologies like artificial intelligence and HPC in an efficient way, we contribute to strengthening their innovativeness and competitiveness on the global market”, explains Morgan Ericsson, head of department at the Department of Computer Science and Media Technology.

Increase the companies’ ability to become data-driven

The project is aimed at small and medium-sized companies in different lines of business in the Linnaeus region, which comprises both Kalmar and Kronoberg counties. By offering knowledge-enhancing and practical activities within data-driven development, the project hopes to give the companies in the region a competitive edge in an increasingly digitalised world.

“Within the project, we will work in close collaboration with interested companies with everything from guidance/supervision to concrete measures for how to process your data and utilising it to create added value for the company”, says Diana Unander, research and project coordinator at the Department of Computer Science and Media Technology.

The project is a unique opportunity for the companies in the region to take part of the latest findings and technology within the field and to get applied support for the development of their activities, both for those who are completely new to the field and for those who see a need to scale up.

The project starts in the beginning of March and will go on for three years with a budget of almost SEK 14 million, funded by: The Swedish Agency for Economic and Regional Growth SEK 5 459 762, Region Kronoberg SEK 3 307 160, Region Kalmar SEK 3 307 160, and Linnaeus University SEK 1 322 864, as well own funding from the department.


Diana Unander, research and project coordinator, email: diana.unander@lnu.se, phone: +4670-591 07 29