Guest researcher from South Africa
LNUC Concurrences hosts Professor Monwabisi K. Ralarala, Dean of Arts and Humanities at the University of the Western Cape as guest researcher this autumn, October 1 to December 29.
Professor Ralarala holds two PhDs (Stellenbosch University and University of the Free State respectively) on persuasion in African languages; and language practice (emphasis: forensic linguistics). His diverse research interests follow three lines: language rights and multilingualism in higher education; forensic linguistics; and translation studies. He is founder and Chief Series Editor of Studies in forensic linguistics: Language and the law in South Africa and beyond.
During his stay he will work on language policy in higher education by looking into factors that hinders a shift from dominating language orthodoxies (English in the South African case) to recognizing a multiplicity of languages in the postcolonial education system. The project seeks to interrogate issues associated with contradiction and contestation in the processes of language policy drafting and formulation in higher education; specially with regard to power relations, and the existence of powerful and less powerful voices.
During his stay he will also finalize a book project on linguistic justice, global migration and social welfare together with Associate prof Kristina Gustafsson, Linnaeus university and Associate prof. Pineteh Angu, Pretoria university.
Prof. Ralarala gives an annual lecture at the LNUC Concurrences on November 16 at 13.15: Transpreters’ Translations of Complainants’ Narratives as Evidence: Questions of linguistic justice and access to justice.