Projector screen and audience in lecture hall, photo.

Clarinda Jansberg presented a conference paper on brands born activists at the 17th Global Brand Conference

The 17th Global Brand Conference of the Academy of Marketing took place in Edinburgh (Scotland) 22-24 April 2024 on the topic of “Conscious Brands: Making Sustainability and Responsibility Work”.

Clarinda Jansberg, Associate Professor in Marketing at the School of Business and Economics, presented a conference paper on brands born activists. The work-in-progress uses a qualitative research method employing multiple case studies based on semi-structured interviews and corporate discourse analysis of Patagonia, The Body Shop, Natura, Nasty Woman Wines and Oatly. The preliminary results identify five key dimensions of brands born activists, namely Purpose-Product Embeddness, Profit-Cause Coexistance, Transformative Change, Provocative Behaviour, and Discussion Hubs. This research aims at offering guidelines to managers and practitioners on how to strategically incorporate the key dimensions of brand activism in their brand-building process and how to use different corporate discourses to enable the five identity dimensions of activism.

For two decades, the Global Brand Conference of the Academy of Marketing's Brand Identity and Corporate Reputation Special Interest Group has become known as one of the leading academic conferences on branding worldwide. The conference brings together top branding experts around the world to discuss and advance the state-of-play in branding research, theory, and application. In 2017, the conference took place in Kalmar with Clarinda Jansberg as a Conference Chair.

Global Brand Conference 2424, Edinburgh.