Delegates at EUniWell Rectors´Assembly and Mayors´Meeting

EUniWell rectors' and management met in Nantes

For a few days at the end of June, the rectors and vice-rectors of EUniWell met at a Rectors' Assembly at the University of Nantes in France, which was also accompanied by a Mayors' Meeting attended by representatives from the host cities of the eleven EUniWell member universities.

Representatives from both Kalmar and Växjö municipalities participated in the Mayors' Meeting. For Kalmar, the municipal councillor Erik Ciardi participated and Växjö was represented by Maria Garmer, 1st vice chairman of the municipal board. The meeting between the leaders of the different cities and the universities is part of a joint effort to strengthen the relationship between the universities and their local communities.

The Rectors' Assembly discussed EUniWell's strategic initiatives and possible future directions. The overarching common goal of EUniWell is to enhance wellbeing through research, education and community engagement. Discussions included the joint strategy "EUniWell 2030", EUniWell's goal to become a Green University, collaborations outside Europe, and budgetary issues.

The EUniWell student representatives also gathered in Nantes and held a board meeting, and some work packages took the opportunity to meet for steering group meetings.

Read more about the meeting in the EUniWell press release. 

Representatives from Linnaeus University

From Linnaeus University and the Linnaeus region participated:
Mia Parkkinen, student board representative, Chimaobi Dennis Edeh, student board representative, Daniel Alvunger, dean, Linus Karlsson, project manager, Erik Ciardi, Kalmar municipality, Maria Garmer, Växjö municipality, Camilla Andersson Lundqvist, project manager, Johan Hjortskull, work package 9, Elin Lindkvist, work package 11, Peter Aronsson, vice-chancellor, and Joacim Hansson, leader of work package 11.