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EUniWell Seminar: Well-being and interdisciplinarity for a ‘tomorrowmind’

EUniWell invites PhD candidates and postdocs to take part in an innovative online seminar as part of the EUniWell Early Career Researchers Talent Hub. Register by 9 May to participate in the seminar on well-being and interdisciplinarity organised on 16 May.

This Early Career Researcher Talent Hub, which will be organised in an arena format will focus on the interplay between interdisciplinarity and well-being – closely linked to the mission of EUniWell. Targeted at the next generation of scientists and any other EUniWell member interested, the arena will outline EUniWell’s approach to well-being and its interdisciplinary dimension. 

Seminar overview

  • Date: 16 May, 15:30-17:30 
  • Format: Online seminar (Zoom)
  • Organiser: University of Cologne and Semmelweis University
  • Participants: Early career researchers (PhD candidates and Postdocs) from all EUniWell member universities and associate partners 
  • Lecturer: Prof. Beatrix Busse, EUniWell Chief Development Officer, Vice-Rector for Teaching and Studies at the University of Cologne
  • Registration deadline: 9 May

Read more and register

Read more about the seminar and register at the EUniWell web site.