International students create creative social media campaign for research station on Öland
For five days at the end of June, 16 students from five European universities gathered on the island of Öland. They met to present and finalise a course where the task was to create a social media campaign on biodiversity and climate change for Station Linné, a field research station on the edge of the world heritage site Stora Alvaret.
The course International Service Learning Project: "design a social media campaign for Station Linné" is a collaboration within the European University for Well-Being (EUniWell). The course is created in collaboration between the universities of Birmingham, Konstanz, Cologne, Nantes and Linnaeus University. It is led this year by Per Pettersson Löfquist, Senior Lecturer in Tourism Studies at Linnaeus University.
"We have an interdisciplinary approach in this course, with teachers and specialists in social media, tourism, biology and digital technology", says Per Pettersson Löfquist. "The students have also learnt presentation techniques and how to deal with the stress and nervousness that can arise when presenting a project."
The course runs for ten weeks, mostly with teaching via Zoom, but the presentation and conclusion takes place in the form of an on-site internship at Station Linné on Öland. This is the first and only time the students meet in person.
"The students have worked in three groups to create a strategy, a campaign and a way for the research station to work with a corporate influencer," explains Per. "They have done a really good job and have suggested concrete ways in which Station Linné can work with social media in the future!"
International Service Learning is part of Work Package 11 of EUniWell, and works with various non-profit organisations (NPO´s) with a strong commitment to society. The International Service Learning Working Group co-creates a project with the relevant organisation based on the needs of the organisation, the expertise of the university and the interests of the students. In this mix of interests, the working group develops a methodology and course open to EUniWell students.
"We are already preparing next year's project. We will be at the University of Konstanz in Germany working on a development project linked to Amnesty International," he reveals.
Per continues to talk about the work with International Service Learning within EUniWell:
"We have had a fantastic cooperation in our working group and a completely painless work process from the start of the planning last autumn all the way up to the students' presentations and closing here on Öland this week. I really want to emphasise how EUniWell in a project of this kind provides an environment and support that enables cooperation beyond what I have previously experienced", concludes Per Pettersson Löfquist.
So what do students think of this year's course?
Here are some voices:
"It is a unique opportunity. We as students get to work together with a research centre. At my university, we never go out and work on real cases like this." Karoline Pütz, University of Konstanz
"We met on zoom, and right from the start there was a great energy in the group. My expectations for the course... well, this goes way beyond them! I have already recommended it to a friend." Amina Kluth, University of Cologne
"We are doing something that can really be used by Station Linné. It feels good to do something that will be useful." Yury Ovseenko, University of Konstanz
"I study marketing, and this is a great experience. It's a practical course where we can use the theory, and that's really good." Marliina Paldan, Linnaeus University
"When I applied for the course, I went outside my comfort zone. But I took courage and did this for myself, on my own, without my student friends at home." Somaya Ibnouali, Nantes University
"A good opportunity to practice my English in a good and welcoming atmosphere. I have learnt a lot." Martin Heinrich, Nantes University
"I recommend this 100 per cent! A great opportunity and a unique once in a lifetime experience." Diya Khistariya, University of Birmingham
"This is personal development for me. The people we meet here... we build friendships. It's very inclusive." Haaris Ali, University of Birmingham
Learn about Service Learning
EUniWell Service Learning is the name given to joint EUniWell courses organised as 10-week international student projects. The projects provide students with a structured yet experiential opportunity to work with others and make a difference.
The project is carried out in partnership with community organisations and students will participate in virtual classes and guest lectures with experts from industry and academia, collaborate in an international team and present their final projects at an on-site event.
Learn more about EUniWell
At the end of the course, the students were given a broader knowledge of the environment in which Station Linné exists and operates through study visits and excursions on southern part of the island Öland. Among other things, archaeologist and associate professor Ludvig Papmehl-Dufay guided the students at the Iron Age village Gamla Skogsby.