
New project: Turning points

A new project, Turning points (Vändpunkter), headed by Gunnel Cederlöf, Prof. of History and member of LNUC Concurrences, has been granted funding by the Kamprad Family Foundation. This is for continued collaboration with the Huseby Estate Ltd (Huseby Bruk AB) and a solid contribution to further develop the results from the earlier project 'Huseby in the World'.

'Turning points' can now build on new knowledge in the history of labour and contractors who worked on the British imperial railway constructions in 1860s India, which impacted on capital inflow and industrialisation of southern Scandinavia and the Småland Province. It targets specifically the consequences for landscapes and ecologies of industrialised management of forests, and the impact of global markets and networks on the economic transition of one of the poorest regions in Europe: Småland. Gunnel Cederlöf, Eleonor Marcussen, Kristofer Jupiter and Henrike Sausen (master's student) will carry out research in the project.

Read more about the project Turning points