Climate Emergency

New research project: Emergency from Below

The Swedish Research Council has awarded 4.7 million SEK to Mike Classon Frangos, Rebecca Duncan and Eleonor Marcussen, all three members of LNUC Concurrences, and Prabhat Kumar, Assistant Professor, Centre for the Study of Developing Societies (CSDS), India, for a multi-year project titled “Emergency from Below: Climate Emergency from Colonial and Decolonial Perspectives.” Examining the climate emergency from the vantage of formerly colonized nations and groups, the project brings together researchers in literature and history to read and understand socio-ecological emergencies “from below.” Project members analyze cultural production and archival material from India, South Africa and North America, focusing on instances where states of emergency have been declared and used to manage socio-ecological crises. The aim is to develop an account of ecological emergencies arising out of the experiences of those most afflicted, and to examine how this paves the way for sustainability across the Global North and South.