Treaty-making and imperial expansion in Southeast Asia; New special issue of Diplomatica


The recent issue of the journal Diplomatica features a forum entitled ”Diplomatic Texts and Contexts: Treaties”. Among the contributions are three open access articles by LNUC Concurrences members Stefan Amirell, Hans Hägerdal, Maarten Manse, and Eleonora Poggio. In addition, affiliated members Ariel Lopez (University of the Philippines) and Birgit Tremml-Werner (Stockholm University) are co-authors of one of the articles.  

The three articles are:

Hans Hägerdal, Enlightenment and Genocide: Johannes Andreas Paravicini’s Mission on Timor in 1756

Birgit Tremml-Werner, Eleonora Poggio, and Ariel Lopez, Revisiting the Treaty between Spain and Sulu of 1836/37

Stefan Amirell and Maarten Manse, Treaty-Making and Translation: European and Asian Versions and Their Paper Trails

All three articles are results from the ongoing research programme Historical Treaties of Southeast Asia, financed by Vetenskapsrådet (2022−28).