InfaVis 2024 Call for applications

Open Call: Get help to analyse and visualise your research with InfraVis

Do you hold research data that you feel could benefit from more advanced visualization techniques? Take advantage of the chance to receive thorough support from the various specialists at the National Research Infrastructure For Data Visualization – InfraVis. They will assist you in analyzing and enriching your data visualization to its fullest extent.

InfraVis is now offering in-depth visualization support for your research projects in 2024!

Swedish scientists at universities and research institutes can soon apply for visualization support to strengthen their research projects. You can apply for up to 600 hours of visualization support and receive help from InfraVis with, for example, data curation, visualized material for user studies, visual analyses of experimental data, interaction techniques, and videos and figures for research publications.

 Why should I apply?

  • Access to a team of 60+ visualization experts across 9 Swedish universities
  • Support for complex data-driven projects
  • Get access to leading-edge hardware, labs, and further infrastructure
  • Improve the impact of your research by better and more trustful results of your data analyses
  • Use more insightful figures and/or videos in your publications

Webinars in May

To explain the call and to prepare you better for the application process, we offer three instances of webinars on May 23rd, 24th, and 31st, 13:00-15:00 each, to provide detailed information and answer your questions. You have to register for a webinar online by May 22.

Important Deadlines

  • Webinars: May 23rd, 24th, and 31st, 13:00-15:00
  • Pre-proposal deadline: June 14th
  • Final call: September 2nd - October 1st
  • Announcement: early November

More details on the scope of the call, application requirements, and how to apply can be found on the official call page on the InfraVis website. Don't miss this opportunity to enhance your research with cutting-edge visualization support from InfraVis!

Levels of Support from InfraVis

As a final but important note: there are three levels of support in InfraVis: under 10 hours, under 80 hours, and under 600 hours. This call addresses the third level called in-depth support (a smaller user fee applies). The application will be evaluated and classified as a mid-level support project or as an in-depth support project. For smaller projects, i.e., projects that do not need more than 80 hours of support, you can always apply by submitting a ticket via the official InfraVis website to receive support for free.

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