photo of Senadin Alisic

First DIA licenciate seminar – Senadin Alisic

On Friday January 24th its time for our very first licenciate seminar in our industry graduate school for Data Intensive Applications (DIA). The candidate who will be presenting his research is Senadin Alisic, industry graduate student from Combitech.

In Sweden (and Finland), the licentiate degree is an academic degree at postgraduate level and roughly half a doctoral degree. It can both be the final exam or serve as an optional "intermediate exam" for those who intend to later present a doctoral thesis.

Senadin Alisic became a PhD-student during the pandemic in 2020. During the past four years he has combined his role as a senior strategy advisor and industrial Ph.D. candidate at Combitech. During these years he has worked with digital ecosystems, data sharing, digital transformation in a number of projects as apart of his research and regular job as a strategy advisor. He has built new knowledge through a number of courses, written papers and presented as keynote or speaker at various industry and academic conferences and events, sharing his insights and experiences.

When being asked how he feels about presenting his research at the licenciate seminar next week he says:

- There is something magical about being on the brink of closing one chapter and starting a new one. It's a mix of relief, anticipation, and pride in how far I've come.

The licenciate seminar is an open event that anyone with an interest in the topic The Role of Ecosystems and Digital Platforms in Smart City Development is welcome to attend either onsite in Växjö or online.

For more information about the licenciate seminar see:

More information about Senadin Alics research and his licenciate thesis is explained below through the abstract of his thesis.


As we approach a significant shift in global population demographics, with an expected 70% of people residing in urban areas by 2050, governments and urban planners face considerable challenges. These challenges span energy and waste management to resource scarcity, air pollution, health concerns, traffic congestion, outdated business models, and aging infrastructure. Considering these issues, the urgency to transform cities into smart cities has never been more apparent.

Digital transformation propels cities to become smarter, more sustainable, and more efficient, and smart cities enhance urban life and services through data-driven decision-making and streamline city services. They promote citizen and other actors’ engagement through innovation, business and digital ecosystems, digital platforms, and open data principles.

This thesis investigates the challenges of establishing a smart city ecosystem in southern Sweden. It elaborates on the smart city ecosystem concept, delineates the roles of various actors, and identifies barriers. Additionally, it presents a conceptual view of ecosystem architecture, highlighting significant gaps in understanding and managing ecosystems in urban development.

The findings offer valuable insights for researchers, urban planners, private and public companies and policymakers engaged in smart city development.