
Corona perspectives: Why it is so difficult for Africa to ‘flatten the curve’"

Please see the article "Covid-19: Why it is so difficult for Africa to ‘flatten the curve’" from Mehari Taddele Maru (Centre for Migration Policy, EU University Institute), published in the South African news paper The Mail & Guardian.

The article outlines major factors likely to influence the scale and intensity of Coronavirus on the African continent. It points to the difficulty of social distancing under conditions of urban poverty, the challenge of implementing "lockdown" where national borders are sporadically policed, and the impoverishment of (public) healthcare systems in even the most prosperous African nations. The article also discusses possible socio-economic aftereffects of the virus for African countries, noting that in many of these structural adjustment has weakened state control and opened the risk of ungovernability. In conclusion, the article suggests strategies for moving forward, emphasising the importance of cross-border cooperation, for which the AU might serve as a platform.…/2020-03-24-covid-19-why-it-is-so-diffic…/


Concurrences in Colonial and Postcolonial Studies monitors the Covid-19 pandemic

There is little doubt that the Covid-19 pandemic affects communities and nations across the world in different ways, and that the world’s poor are going to experience this crisis much more keenly than people belonging to affluent communities. As a postcolonial research centre, Linnaeus University Centre for Concurrences in Colonial and Postcolonial Studies will help monitor the development of the crisis. At the centre's web page above, you will find research and opinion pieces that highlight the dispersed and uneven impact of the crisis in Swedish and global society.

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