happy students on stage

Closing ceremony for master students

Around the end of May/beginning of June each year, we have a joint closing ceremony to celebrate those who have completed, or are about to complete, their studies at the 60- or 120-credit master’s level. For those who have studied in Växjö, the ceremony will take place on May 27, and for those who have studied in Kalmar, it will take place on May 28, 2025.

The closing ceremony is a festive afternoon, mixing speeches with entertainment, and with the new graduates being invited onto the stage to be congratulated by the faculty. 

Invitations will be sent out in February

Both international and national students are invited to the celebrations; invitations will be sent out by email in February, to the email adress you have registered in Ladok. Invited students are allowed to bring at least two accompanying guests; the exact number depends on the number of graduating students and will be specified in the invitation.

The ceremonies are in English.

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A sustainable event

The Closing Ceremony is a sustainability-assured meeting in accordance with Linnaeus University’s guidelines for sustainable events. These guidelines are linked to the 17 global goals in Agenda 2030 and comprise the three dimensions of sustainable development: the economic, the social, and the environmental. 

Learn more about Linnaeus University´s sustainable events here.