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Seed project: Implementation knowledge as comissioned training - A step towards the national investment in Lifelong Learning

The overall aim of this seed project within Knowledge Environment Linnaeus Digital transformations is to, based on experiences from the program course with focus on implementation, examine the conditions for imparting the knowledge in the course as a commissioned training.

Implementation knowledge as comissioned training – A step towards the national investment in Lifelong Learning
Patrik Elm, Department of Informatics, Faculty of Technology, Linnaeus University
Malin Hofflander, Department of Informatics, Faculty of Technology, Linnaeus University
Lina Nilsson, Department of Medicine and Optometry, Faculty of Health and Life sciences, Linnaeus University
Project period
Research areas in this seed-project
Digitalization, e-health, implementation, comissioned training

More about the project

Sweden needs to be ready for changes in working life that a pandemic can cause, as well as how changes such as IT development and delayed retirements affect the labor market. When changes are to be incorporated, knowledge in implementation is necessary for these changes to be sustainable and lasting and to promote patients, relatives and employees. Based on experiences from the program course with a focus on implementation, the seeding project will examine the conditions for imparting the knowledge in the course as a commissioned training.

Developing and offering commissioned training on implementation in health, care and social care will promote national initiatives such as lifelong learning, be a support for patients and employees in changes to the work of organizations and strengthen cooperation within and outside the Linnaeus University


Seed projects within Digital Transformations

Learn more about the seed project concept and Digital transformations' other seed projects.