Foto: Romain C. Herault Training for traffic accidents

Seed project: Interactive video training tool and training scenario development for Emergency Medical Services

The main objective for this seed project within Linnaeus Knowledge Environment Digital Transformations is to validate with EMS experts the interactive video training scenarios created with their collaboration before offering them to professionals and students.

Interactive video training tool and training scenario development for Emergency Medical Services
Romain C. Herault and Martin Olsson 
Project period
5th 2021 – May 16th 2022
Core research areas

More about the project

Emergency Medical Services (EMS) have been extremely busy since the start of COVID-19, and the ongoing pandemic is putting stress on their working environment and affects the usual training they must perform every year. With the restrictions limiting or not allowing EMS personnel to train with others, the use of interactive video training to complement or replace these exercises when needed has been seen as a very interesting solution by stakeholders such as the police training and nurse training at Linnaeus University and the Region Kronoberg, Sweden.

With the purpose of bringing a training solution to EMS during a pandemic, this seed project aims to create and evaluate two training scenarios using different approaches. Methodology used was a user centred design with a mix of asynchronous and online interview including ten people in late 2021 in the Kronoberg Region, Sweden. The main research goal for this study was to identify how interactive video training can be used by Emergency Medical Services during a time of pandemic.

An earlier explorative study returned positive feedback and motivated the improvement of this experiment using interactive videos for training purposes. However, a major improvement in term of methodological framework was required to move forward from this explorative phase. Two more scenarios were created since, with two different approaches. Both were recorded using different type of cameras: regular cameras, drone, and 360-degrees cameras. The goal was to offer different path based on user interaction with the tool. Each viewing of the scenario might then give a different outcome to a user.

These results are encouraging and show a clear interest in EMS to use interactive video training as an additional tool. It can be used as a collaborative tool as well to train people and trigger discussions and could offer an alternative for people with some learning disability. The next step will involve gathering more qualitative data and add quantitative data as well to refine the user interface, as well as the interactions themselves. More scenarios are in preparation in collaboration with EMS.

Seed projects within Digital Transformations

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