Linnaeus University works with research, evaluation, collaboration and education within e-health. Read more about our master’s programme, courses, ongoing research projects and interdisciplinary research groups within the field of e-health.
The national ”Vision for e-health 2025” implies that Sweden will become best in the world at using digitalisation, products and services to solve the societal challenges of an ageing population and an increased need for individualised health care. In order to succeed, we must strengthen our research and qualifications in the field of e-health.
Researchers at Linnaeus University play a key role when we, independently and evidence-based, educate, follow up, evaluate, and conduct research projects to enable a sound implementation and use of digital support in health care.
Program and courses
Linnaeus University provides education in e-health for the users of both today and tomorrow. We offer single-subject courses and commissioned training as well as a master’s programme in e-health.
Commissioned training
Linnaeus University has a long experience in the field of e-health and we train care staff, leaders, developers, IT strategists, economists, and government officials who want to improve their skills in e-health.
Are you interested in a tailored commissioned training for your company? Please contact Evalill Nilsson, Evalill.nilsson@lnu.se.
At Linnaeus University, a unique range of research expertise can be found within the field of e-health. Through interdisciplinary research and close collaborations, we contribute to increased knowledge and provide a better basis for decision-making at individual, professional and national level, which is beneficial for our society.
Linnaeus Knowledge Environment
Researchers in e-health at Linnaeus University collaborate with the knowledge environments Sustainable Health and Digital Transformations.
Linnaeus Knowledge Environment: Sustainable Health Good health for all in our time requires handling of a number of challenges: demographic changes, empowerment of citizens, changing illness patterns,…
Linnaeus Knowledge Environment: Digital Transformations The challenges within the area of digitalisation are numerous and how we handle them is crucial for the future. The purpose of the knowledge…
Research groups
Below you will find links to the eHealth Institute and other research groups and research networks in eHealth at Linnaeus University.
Research groups
eHealth Institute Linnaeus University researches, evaluates, educates and collaborates with the surrounding society within e-health. Read more about our program and courses, ongoing research projects…
E-health – Improved Data to and from Patients The research in the e-health area within Linnaeus University Centre for Data Intensive Sciences and Applications (DISA) will result in novel ways for…
The ReAction group – Resilient healthcare and patient activation Our research aims to improve resilient healthcare to provide safe care characterised by continuity and equality through patient’s chain…
Research projects
Linnaeus University works independently and evidence-based on behalf of authorities, businesses and the public sector to evaluate and conduct research on digital support in health and care. We also conduct several research and collaboration projects that are funded by actors such as the Kamprad Family Foundation, the Swedish Agency for Economic and Regional Growth, and Kalmar County.
Doctoral project: Systematic outcome assessment in outpatient psychiatric settings This study investigates the potential of a data-driven and personalized healthcare model through the systematic…
Seed project: Mitigating Health Inequalities in the Kronoberg Region - A Transdisciplinary System Thinking Approach The main objective for this seed project within the Knowledge environment Digital…
Doctoral project: Reuse of health data, combing the best of two worlds A method for automatic generation of features with high predictive power based on domain knowledge.
Project: LegiLexi The overall aim of the project is to conduct research on the reading development of primary school students. LegiLexi provides a digital assessment tool with individual teaching…
Doctoral project: Seamless care transitions for elderly people in need of coordinated care The project aims to explore how integrated care and a cohesive care chain can maintain good quality and safe…
Doctoral project: Supporting patients and informal carers in their active participation in self-care at home Society faces the challenge of meeting the needs of an aging population where the majority…
Project: Eir - internet compassion-course for healthcare professionals The aim of this study is to investigate whether who different internet-based courses for healthcare professionals contributes to…
Project: Prediction of medication risks and drug-related problems Medication related problems is a major problem for society, especially with an ageing population and increasing use of medicines. This…
Project: Identifying the Active Ingredients of psychotherapy: A Methods development project (AIM) The AIM project is about identifying the mechanisms of action in psychotherapy by developing methods…
Project: Confidence in every step 2.0 In this project, we will explore how a digital tool as part of a peer-to-peer intervention can be integrated into the home healthcare, to sustainably support and…
Såddprojekt: User performance data from a video-based application/platform Det övergripande syftet med detta såddprojekt inom Linnaeus University Centre for Data Intensive Sciences and Applications…
Project: KBT-based online support for sexual rehabilitation after prostate cancer This project intends to develop and test an Internet-based KBT support focusing on sexual rehabilitation for couples…
Project: Gut microbiota composition and digestion of animal foods The gut with its microorganisms - the gut flora - is of importance to health. We aim to study how the gut flora in persons with and…
Project: Experiences of digital patient history recording The scientific purpose of this project is to investigate in what way the introduction of digital anamnesis and e-triage affect the quality of…
Seed project: Developing the Skeleton Avatar camera Technique (SAT) as a rapid, valid and sensitive measurement of mobility in elderly persons The main objective for this seed project within Linnaeus…
Linnaeus University´s publications within e-health
Collaboration within e-health
At Linnaeus University, we conduct several collaboration projects within e-health.
- Ahmed Taiye Mohammed Postdoctoral Fellow
- +46 470-70 89 24
- ahmedtaiyemohammedlnuse
- Alisa Lincke Senior lecturer
- +46 470-70 84 15
- alisalinckelnuse
- Fredrik Ahlgren Senior lecturer
- fredrikahlgrenlnuse
- Hemant Ghayvat Associate Professor
- +46 470-70 86 89
- hemantghayvatlnuse
- Jan Aidemark Associate Professor
- +46 470-70 88 92
- janaidemarklnuse
- Jenny Lundberg Senior Lecturer
- +46 470-70 82 49
- jennylundberglnuse
- Linda Askenäs associate professor
- lindaaskenaslnuse
- Marcelo Milrad Professor
- +46 470-70 87 25
- +46 73-396 95 74
- marcelomilradlnuse
- Narges Khakpour Associate Professor
- nargeskhakpourlnuse
- Olof Björneld Doctoral student
- ollebjorneldlnuse
- Selcen Ozturkcan Associate Professor
- +46 470-70 82 87
- +46 70-264 19 29
- selcenozturkcanlnuse
- Sebastian Lungu-Mitea Associate senior lecturer
- sebastianlungumitealnuse
- Soumitra Chowdhury Senior lecturer
- +46 470-70 88 20
- soumitrachowdhurylnuse
- +46 480-49 71 76
- +46 72-594 97 16
- torahammarlnuse
- Welf Löwe Professor
- +46 470-70 84 95
- +46 76-760 36 62
- welflowelnuse
- Viktor Kaldo Professor
- viktorkaldolnuse
Big (health) data
- Ahmed Taiye Mohammed Postdoctoral Fellow
- +46 470-70 89 24
- ahmedtaiyemohammedlnuse
- Andreas Kerren Professor
- +46 470-76 75 02
- andreaskerrenlnuse
- Linda Askenäs associate professor
- lindaaskenaslnuse
- Jenny Lundberg Senior Lecturer
- +46 470-70 82 49
- jennylundberglnuse
- Marcelo Milrad Professor
- +46 470-70 87 25
- +46 73-396 95 74
- marcelomilradlnuse
- Olof Björneld Doctoral student
- ollebjorneldlnuse
- Selcen Ozturkcan Associate Professor
- +46 470-70 82 87
- +46 70-264 19 29
- selcenozturkcanlnuse
- MD Shafiqur Rahman Jabin Affiliated researcher
- mdshafiqurrahmanjabinlnuse
- Sebastian Hönel Postdoctoral Fellow
- +46 470-70 81 45
- sebastianhonellnuse
- Soumitra Chowdhury Senior lecturer
- +46 470-70 88 20
- soumitrachowdhurylnuse
- +46 480-49 71 76
- +46 72-594 97 16
- torahammarlnuse
- Welf Löwe Professor
- +46 470-70 84 95
- +46 76-760 36 62
- welflowelnuse
Change management and quality management
- Ann-Therese Hedqvist Doctoral student
- anntheresehedqvistlnuse
- +46 480-44 64 34
- boaanderssonlnuse
- Göran Petersson Professor emeritus
- goranpeterssonlnuse
- Heidi Hagerman Senior lecturer
- +46 480-44 63 61
- heidihagermanlnuse
- Jan Aidemark Associate Professor
- +46 470-70 88 92
- janaidemarklnuse
- Jenny Lundberg Senior Lecturer
- +46 470-70 82 49
- jennylundberglnuse
- Linda Askenäs associate professor
- lindaaskenaslnuse
- Mirjam Ekstedt Senior professor
- +46 480-44 63 99
- mirjamekstedtlnuse
- Stefan Lagrosen Professor
- +46 480-49 71 65
- +46 72-745 89 01
- stefanlagrosenlnuse
Clinical decision support (CDS)
- Alisa Lincke Senior lecturer
- +46 470-70 84 15
- alisalinckelnuse
- Cecilia Fagerström Professor
- +46 470-76 78 86
- ceciliafagerstromlnuse
- Hemant Ghayvat Associate Professor
- +46 470-70 86 89
- hemantghayvatlnuse
- Ilir Jusufi
- ilirjusufilnuse
- Jenny Lundberg Senior Lecturer
- +46 470-70 82 49
- jennylundberglnuse
- Marcelo Milrad Professor
- +46 470-70 87 25
- +46 73-396 95 74
- marcelomilradlnuse
- Natali Johnsson Lecturer, doctoral student
- +46 470-70 89 74
- +46 70-252 09 08
- natalijohnssonlnuse
- Ola Nordqvist Doctoral student
- olanordqvistlnuse
- +46 480-49 71 76
- +46 72-594 97 16
- torahammarlnuse
Codesign, co-production of care
- Ahmed Taiye Mohammed Postdoctoral Fellow
- +46 470-70 89 24
- ahmedtaiyemohammedlnuse
- Ann-Therese Hedqvist Doctoral student
- anntheresehedqvistlnuse
- Cecilia Fagerström Professor
- +46 470-76 78 86
- ceciliafagerstromlnuse
- Elizabeth Hanson Professor
- +46 480-44 69 72
- elizabethhansonlnuse
- Hans Allmér Senior Lecturer
- +46 480-49 71 55
- hansallmerlnuse
- Heidi Hagerman Senior lecturer
- +46 480-44 63 61
- heidihagermanlnuse
- Jan Aidemark Associate Professor
- +46 470-70 88 92
- janaidemarklnuse
- Linda Askenäs associate professor
- lindaaskenaslnuse
- Sofia Backåberg Associate professor
- +46 470-76 75 03
- sofiabackaberglnuse
- Soumitra Chowdhury Senior lecturer
- +46 470-70 88 20
- soumitrachowdhurylnuse
- Susanna Strandberg Lecturer, doctoral student
- +46 470-70 87 43
- +46 72-567 33 09
- susannastrandberglnuse
Consumer eHealth
- Ahmed Taiye Mohammed Postdoctoral Fellow
- +46 470-70 89 24
- ahmedtaiyemohammedlnuse
- Carina Werkander Harstäde Associate professor
- +46 470-70 80 13
- carinaharstadelnuse
- Fredrik Ahlgren Senior lecturer
- fredrikahlgrenlnuse
- Hans Allmér Senior Lecturer
- +46 480-49 71 55
- hansallmerlnuse
- Linda Askenäs associate professor
- lindaaskenaslnuse
- My Villius Zetterholm Senior lecturer
- +46 480-49 77 11
- myvilliuszetterholmlnuse
- Sebastian Lungu-Mitea Associate senior lecturer
- sebastianlungumitealnuse
- Selcen Ozturkcan Associate Professor
- +46 470-70 82 87
- +46 70-264 19 29
- selcenozturkcanlnuse
Economy/organizational governance
E-consultations, digital encounters
- Cecilia Dautovic Bergh Senior lecturer
- +46 470-70 86 82
- ceciliadautovicberghlnuse
- Evalill Nilsson Senior lecture and operational manager
- +46 480-44 60 01
- +46 73-037 79 13
- evalillnilssonlnuse
- Göran Petersson Professor emeritus
- goranpeterssonlnuse
- Jan Aidemark Associate Professor
- +46 470-70 88 92
- janaidemarklnuse
- Linda Askenäs associate professor
- lindaaskenaslnuse
- MD Shafiqur Rahman Jabin Affiliated researcher
- mdshafiqurrahmanjabinlnuse
- Mexhid Ferati Associate professor
- +46 470-76 79 99
- mexhidferatilnuse
- Mosad Zineldin Professor
- +46 470-70 87 98
- +46 70-550 23 18
- mosadzineldinlnuse
- Pär Eriksson doctoral student
- parerikssonlnuse
- Suzanne Petersson Licensed psychologist, Licensed psychotherapist, PhD, Affiliated researcher
- suzannepeterssonlnuse
- Viktor Kaldo Professor
- viktorkaldolnuse
Education and e-health
- Ahmed Taiye Mohammed Postdoctoral Fellow
- +46 470-70 89 24
- ahmedtaiyemohammedlnuse
- Göran Petersson Professor emeritus
- goranpeterssonlnuse
- Linda Askenäs associate professor
- lindaaskenaslnuse
- Marcelo Milrad Professor
- +46 470-70 87 25
- +46 73-396 95 74
- marcelomilradlnuse
- Mexhid Ferati Associate professor
- +46 470-76 79 99
- mexhidferatilnuse
- Mosad Zineldin Professor
- +46 470-70 87 98
- +46 70-550 23 18
- mosadzineldinlnuse
- Sofia Backåberg Associate professor
- +46 470-76 75 03
- sofiabackaberglnuse
- +46 480-49 71 76
- +46 72-594 97 16
- torahammarlnuse
- Welf Löwe Professor
- +46 470-70 84 95
- +46 76-760 36 62
- welflowelnuse
eHealth Arena
- Anna-Lena Nilsson Project manager
- +46 480-49 71 77
- +46 72-450 76 81
- anna-lenanilssonlnuse
- Dino Viscovi Senior Lecturer
- +46 470-70 85 57
- dinoviscovilnuse
- Hemant Ghayvat Associate Professor
- +46 470-70 86 89
- hemantghayvatlnuse
- MD Shafiqur Rahman Jabin Affiliated researcher
- mdshafiqurrahmanjabinlnuse
- Mosad Zineldin Professor
- +46 470-70 87 98
- +46 70-550 23 18
- mosadzineldinlnuse
- Patrick Bergman Associate professor
- +46 480-44 63 32
- patrickbergmanlnuse
- Päivi Jokela Associate professor
- +46 480-44 60 71
- paivijokelalnuse
- Susanna Pusa
- +46 470-70 80 72
- susannapusalnuse
- +46 480-49 71 76
- +46 72-594 97 16
- torahammarlnuse
- Welf Löwe Professor
- +46 470-70 84 95
- +46 76-760 36 62
- welflowelnuse
Elderly and e-health
- Alisa Lincke Senior lecturer
- +46 470-70 84 15
- alisalinckelnuse
- Anna Bratt Associate professor, head of department
- +46 470-76 78 20
- annabrattlnuse
- Carina Werkander Harstäde Associate professor
- +46 470-70 80 13
- carinaharstadelnuse
- Cecilia Fagerström Professor
- +46 470-76 78 86
- ceciliafagerstromlnuse
- Elin Lehnbom docent
- elinlehnbomlnuse
- Emma Lindeblad Affiliated Researcher
- emmalindebladlnuse
- Heidi Hagerman Senior lecturer
- +46 480-44 63 61
- heidihagermanlnuse
- Hemant Ghayvat Associate Professor
- +46 470-70 86 89
- hemantghayvatlnuse
- Jan Aidemark Associate Professor
- +46 470-70 88 92
- janaidemarklnuse
- Linda Askenäs associate professor
- lindaaskenaslnuse
- Mexhid Ferati Associate professor
- +46 470-76 79 99
- mexhidferatilnuse
- MD Shafiqur Rahman Jabin Affiliated researcher
- mdshafiqurrahmanjabinlnuse
- Selcen Ozturkcan Associate Professor
- +46 470-70 82 87
- +46 70-264 19 29
- selcenozturkcanlnuse
- Sofia Backåberg Associate professor
- +46 470-76 75 03
- sofiabackaberglnuse
- Susanna Strandberg Lecturer, doctoral student
- +46 470-70 87 43
- +46 72-567 33 09
- susannastrandberglnuse
- Welf Löwe Professor
- +46 470-70 84 95
- +46 76-760 36 62
- welflowelnuse
Functional impairments and e-health
Health apps, digital self-monitoring, m/u-health, primary/secondary prevention, digital self-care
- Alisa Lincke Senior lecturer
- +46 470-70 84 15
- alisalinckelnuse
- Amanda Hellström Associate Professor
- +46 480-44 67 04
- amandahellstromlnuse
- +46 480-44 64 34
- boaanderssonlnuse
- Camilla Wennerberg Affiliated researcher
- camillawennerberglnuse
- Cecilia Fagerström Professor
- +46 470-76 78 86
- ceciliafagerstromlnuse
- Elizabeth Hanson Professor
- +46 480-44 69 72
- elizabethhansonlnuse
- Göran Petersson Professor emeritus
- goranpeterssonlnuse
- Hans Allmér Senior Lecturer
- +46 480-49 71 55
- hansallmerlnuse
- Hemant Ghayvat Associate Professor
- +46 470-70 86 89
- hemantghayvatlnuse
- Heidi Hagerman Senior lecturer
- +46 480-44 63 61
- heidihagermanlnuse
- Ilir Jusufi
- ilirjusufilnuse
- Jan Aidemark Associate Professor
- +46 470-70 88 92
- janaidemarklnuse
- Jenny Lundberg Senior Lecturer
- +46 470-70 82 49
- jennylundberglnuse
- Linda Askenäs associate professor
- lindaaskenaslnuse
- Marcelo Milrad Professor
- +46 470-70 87 25
- +46 73-396 95 74
- marcelomilradlnuse
- Maria Qvarfordt Researcher
- +46 480-44 67 80
- mariaqvarfordtlnuse
- Martin Carlsson Med Dr, Associate professor, Affiliated researcher
- martincarlssonlnuse
- Mexhid Ferati Associate professor
- +46 470-76 79 99
- mexhidferatilnuse
- Mirjam Ekstedt Senior professor
- +46 480-44 63 99
- mirjamekstedtlnuse
- Mosad Zineldin Professor
- +46 470-70 87 98
- +46 70-550 23 18
- mosadzineldinlnuse
- Patrick Bergman Associate professor
- +46 480-44 63 32
- patrickbergmanlnuse
- Sebastian Hönel Postdoctoral Fellow
- +46 470-70 81 45
- sebastianhonellnuse
- Selcen Ozturkcan Associate Professor
- +46 470-70 82 87
- +46 70-264 19 29
- selcenozturkcanlnuse
- Sofia Backåberg Associate professor
- +46 470-76 75 03
- sofiabackaberglnuse
- Soumitra Chowdhury Senior lecturer
- +46 470-70 88 20
- soumitrachowdhurylnuse
- Susanna Strandberg Lecturer, doctoral student
- +46 470-70 87 43
- +46 72-567 33 09
- susannastrandberglnuse
- Welf Löwe Professor
- +46 470-70 84 95
- +46 76-760 36 62
- welflowelnuse
- Viktor Kaldo Professor
- viktorkaldolnuse
Healthcare documentation, electronic health record
- Ahmed Taiye Mohammed Postdoctoral Fellow
- +46 470-70 89 24
- ahmedtaiyemohammedlnuse
- Alisa Lincke Senior lecturer
- +46 470-70 84 15
- alisalinckelnuse
- Ann-Therese Hedqvist Doctoral student
- anntheresehedqvistlnuse
- Elin Lindehoff Associate Professor
- +46 480-44 73 59
- elinlindehofflnuse
- Hemant Ghayvat Associate Professor
- +46 470-70 86 89
- hemantghayvatlnuse
- Jenny Lundberg Senior Lecturer
- +46 470-70 82 49
- jennylundberglnuse
- MD Shafiqur Rahman Jabin Affiliated researcher
- mdshafiqurrahmanjabinlnuse
- Ola Nordqvist Doctoral student
- olanordqvistlnuse
- Olof Björneld Doctoral student
- ollebjorneldlnuse
Implementation of e-health
- Ahmed Taiye Mohammed Postdoctoral Fellow
- +46 470-70 89 24
- ahmedtaiyemohammedlnuse
- Ann-Therese Hedqvist Doctoral student
- anntheresehedqvistlnuse
- +46 480-44 64 34
- boaanderssonlnuse
- Carina Werkander Harstäde Associate professor
- +46 470-70 80 13
- carinaharstadelnuse
- Cecilia Dautovic Bergh Senior lecturer
- +46 470-70 86 82
- ceciliadautovicberghlnuse
- Cecilia Fagerström Professor
- +46 470-76 78 86
- ceciliafagerstromlnuse
- Elin Lehnbom docent
- elinlehnbomlnuse
- Elizabeth Hanson Professor
- +46 480-44 69 72
- elizabethhansonlnuse
- Hans Allmér Senior Lecturer
- +46 480-49 71 55
- hansallmerlnuse
- Hemant Ghayvat Associate Professor
- +46 470-70 86 89
- hemantghayvatlnuse
- Heidi Hagerman Senior lecturer
- +46 480-44 63 61
- heidihagermanlnuse
- Jan Aidemark Associate Professor
- +46 470-70 88 92
- janaidemarklnuse
- Jenny Lundberg Senior Lecturer
- +46 470-70 82 49
- jennylundberglnuse
- Linda Askenäs associate professor
- lindaaskenaslnuse
- Marcelo Milrad Professor
- +46 470-70 87 25
- +46 73-396 95 74
- marcelomilradlnuse
- MD Shafiqur Rahman Jabin Affiliated researcher
- mdshafiqurrahmanjabinlnuse
- Mirjam Ekstedt Senior professor
- +46 480-44 63 99
- mirjamekstedtlnuse
- Selcen Ozturkcan Associate Professor
- +46 470-70 82 87
- +46 70-264 19 29
- selcenozturkcanlnuse
- Soumitra Chowdhury Senior lecturer
- +46 470-70 88 20
- soumitrachowdhurylnuse
- Susanna Strandberg Lecturer, doctoral student
- +46 470-70 87 43
- +46 72-567 33 09
- susannastrandberglnuse
- +46 480-49 71 76
- +46 72-594 97 16
- torahammarlnuse
- Viktor Kaldo Professor
- viktorkaldolnuse
IoT (Internet of Things)
- Diego Perez Palacin Senior lecturer
- +46 470-70 82 90
- diegoperezlnuse
- Fredrik Ahlgren Senior lecturer
- fredrikahlgrenlnuse
- Hemant Ghayvat Associate Professor
- +46 470-70 86 89
- hemantghayvatlnuse
- Heidi Hagerman Senior lecturer
- +46 480-44 63 61
- heidihagermanlnuse
- Ilir Jusufi
- ilirjusufilnuse
- Jan Aidemark Associate Professor
- +46 470-70 88 92
- janaidemarklnuse
- Jenny Lundberg Senior Lecturer
- +46 470-70 82 49
- jennylundberglnuse
- Linda Askenäs associate professor
- lindaaskenaslnuse
- Mexhid Ferati Associate professor
- +46 470-76 79 99
- mexhidferatilnuse
- Selcen Ozturkcan Associate Professor
- +46 470-70 82 87
- +46 70-264 19 29
- selcenozturkcanlnuse
- Soumitra Chowdhury Senior lecturer
- +46 470-70 88 20
- soumitrachowdhurylnuse
Metrology, patient-reported measures
- Amanda Hellström Associate Professor
- +46 480-44 67 04
- amandahellstromlnuse
- António Filipe Teixeira Macedo Professor
- +46 480-44 60 36
- antoniomacedolnuse
- Evalill Nilsson Senior lecture and operational manager
- +46 480-44 60 01
- +46 73-037 79 13
- evalillnilssonlnuse
- Ina Marteinsdottir Professor
- +46 480-44 63 62
- inamarteinsdottirlnuse
- Jenny Lundberg Senior Lecturer
- +46 470-70 82 49
- jennylundberglnuse
- Kristofer Årestedt Professor
- +46 480-44 63 25
- +46 70-342 63 25
- kristoferarestedtlnuse
- Linda Askenäs associate professor
- lindaaskenaslnuse
- Viktor Kaldo Professor
- viktorkaldolnuse
Patient involvement
- Amanda Hellström Associate Professor
- +46 480-44 67 04
- amandahellstromlnuse
- Cecilia Fagerström Professor
- +46 470-76 78 86
- ceciliafagerstromlnuse
- Elizabeth Hanson Professor
- +46 480-44 69 72
- elizabethhansonlnuse
- Hans Allmér Senior Lecturer
- +46 480-49 71 55
- hansallmerlnuse
- Heidi Hagerman Senior lecturer
- +46 480-44 63 61
- heidihagermanlnuse
- Jan Aidemark Associate Professor
- +46 470-70 88 92
- janaidemarklnuse
- Linda Askenäs associate professor
- lindaaskenaslnuse
- Jenny Lundberg Senior Lecturer
- +46 470-70 82 49
- jennylundberglnuse
- Mirjam Ekstedt Senior professor
- +46 480-44 63 99
- mirjamekstedtlnuse
- Mosad Zineldin Professor
- +46 470-70 87 98
- +46 70-550 23 18
- mosadzineldinlnuse
- Sofia Backåberg Associate professor
- +46 470-76 75 03
- sofiabackaberglnuse
- Susanna Strandberg Lecturer, doctoral student
- +46 470-70 87 43
- +46 72-567 33 09
- susannastrandberglnuse
- Viktor Kaldo Professor
- viktorkaldolnuse
Patient safety
- Ann-Therese Hedqvist Doctoral student
- anntheresehedqvistlnuse
- Elin Lehnbom docent
- elinlehnbomlnuse
- MD Shafiqur Rahman Jabin Affiliated researcher
- mdshafiqurrahmanjabinlnuse
- Mirjam Ekstedt Senior professor
- +46 480-44 63 99
- mirjamekstedtlnuse
- Mosad Zineldin Professor
- +46 470-70 87 98
- +46 70-550 23 18
- mosadzineldinlnuse
- Narges Khakpour Associate Professor
- nargeskhakpourlnuse
- Susanna Strandberg Lecturer, doctoral student
- +46 470-70 87 43
- +46 72-567 33 09
- susannastrandberglnuse
- +46 480-49 71 76
- +46 72-594 97 16
- torahammarlnuse
- Ahmed Taiye Mohammed Postdoctoral Fellow
- +46 470-70 89 24
- ahmedtaiyemohammedlnuse
- Elin Lehnbom docent
- elinlehnbomlnuse
- Lina Hellström Pharm Dr, Affiliated researcher
- linahellstromlnuse
- Malin Johansson Östbring Affiliated researcher
- malinjohanssonostbringlnuse
- Ola Nordqvist Doctoral student
- olanordqvistlnuse
- +46 480-49 71 76
- +46 72-594 97 16
- torahammarlnuse
Systems perspective and e-health
- Anita Mirijamdotter Senior professor
- +46 470-70 86 35
- +46 70-337 75 24
- anitamirijamdotterlnuse
- Hemant Ghayvat Associate Professor
- +46 470-70 86 89
- hemantghayvatlnuse
- Linda Askenäs associate professor
- lindaaskenaslnuse
- Jenny Lundberg Senior Lecturer
- +46 470-70 82 49
- jennylundberglnuse
- MD Shafiqur Rahman Jabin Affiliated researcher
- mdshafiqurrahmanjabinlnuse
- Mosad Zineldin Professor
- +46 470-70 87 98
- +46 70-550 23 18
- mosadzineldinlnuse
- My Villius Zetterholm Senior lecturer
- +46 480-49 77 11
- myvilliuszetterholmlnuse
- Päivi Jokela Associate professor
- +46 480-44 60 71
- paivijokelalnuse
- Sarfraz Iqbal Senior lecturer
- +46 470-70 80 31
- sarfraziqballnuse
- Selcen Ozturkcan Associate Professor
- +46 470-70 82 87
- +46 70-264 19 29
- selcenozturkcanlnuse
Quality registers
- Cecilia Fagerström Professor
- +46 470-76 78 86
- ceciliafagerstromlnuse
- Evalill Nilsson Senior lecture and operational manager
- +46 480-44 60 01
- +46 73-037 79 13
- evalillnilssonlnuse
- Göran Petersson Professor emeritus
- goranpeterssonlnuse
- Linda Askenäs associate professor
- lindaaskenaslnuse
- MD Shafiqur Rahman Jabin Affiliated researcher
- mdshafiqurrahmanjabinlnuse
- Olof Björneld Doctoral student
- ollebjorneldlnuse
- +46 480-49 71 76
- +46 72-594 97 16
- torahammarlnuse
- Viktor Kaldo Professor
- viktorkaldolnuse
Welfare technology
- Elizabeth Hanson Professor
- +46 480-44 69 72
- elizabethhansonlnuse
- Hans Allmér Senior Lecturer
- +46 480-49 71 55
- hansallmerlnuse
- Hemant Ghayvat Associate Professor
- +46 470-70 86 89
- hemantghayvatlnuse
- Heidi Hagerman Senior lecturer
- +46 480-44 63 61
- heidihagermanlnuse
- Linda Askenäs associate professor
- lindaaskenaslnuse
- Maria Nilson Associate professor
- +46 470-70 89 16
- marianilsonlnuse
- Mexhid Ferati Associate professor
- +46 470-76 79 99
- mexhidferatilnuse
- Selcen Ozturkcan Associate Professor
- +46 470-70 82 87
- +46 70-264 19 29
- selcenozturkcanlnuse
- Susanna Strandberg Lecturer, doctoral student
- +46 470-70 87 43
- +46 72-567 33 09
- susannastrandberglnuse
Wildlife disease surveillance, zoonoses
Work environment and e-health
- Ahmed Taiye Mohammed Postdoctoral Fellow
- +46 470-70 89 24
- ahmedtaiyemohammedlnuse
- Ann-Therese Hedqvist Doctoral student
- anntheresehedqvistlnuse
- Heidi Hagerman Senior lecturer
- +46 480-44 63 61
- heidihagermanlnuse
- Mirjam Ekstedt Senior professor
- +46 480-44 63 99
- mirjamekstedtlnuse
- Selcen Ozturkcan Associate Professor
- +46 470-70 82 87
- +46 70-264 19 29
- selcenozturkcanlnuse
- Stefan Lagrosen Professor
- +46 480-49 71 65
- +46 72-745 89 01
- stefanlagrosenlnuse