Linnaeus Knowledge Environment: Water
Managing the Earth's water resources in a sustainable way is a major challenge. The purpose of the knowledge environment Water is to tackle this societal challenge by gathering and disseminating the knowledge required to create and manage a healthy water landscape.
About KM Vatten
We conduct solution-oriented research leading to transformative actions in the Småland region, to strengthen two multidisciplinary research themes tackling urgent issues:
(I) Water as Resource
The goal of this research theme is to promote the shift from a mindset where water is seen as an open access resource, to one where it is sustainably managed and provides crucial ecosystem services to society (i.e., to avoid the “tragedy of the commons”).
- Study factors influencing individual behavior and promoting sustainable water usage on domestic and municipal levels.
- Explore industrial symbiosis to promote efficient circulation and reuse of water at the industrial level.
- Determine innovative ways to monitor and manage water large-scale usage in the built environment and in agriculture.
(II) Water from Land to Coast and Sea
Understanding how global change influences the ecological status of natural waters is crucial to assure a constant provision of ecosystem services.
- Study entrepreneurial scenarios for sustainable livelihood and value creation in coastal Småland and Öland with aquaculture, tourism and wellbeing.
- Monitor biological and environmental parameters in coastal waters and rivers to inform climate adaptation measures and sustainable fisheries (both sport and commercial fishing), recreation and culture.
- Explore the interconnections of animal, wildlife and human health in aquatic environments, through novel studies of animal movements and disease/antibiotic resistance distributions below and above the water surface, to inform societal stakeholders of threats to potable water and recreational uses.
Important features in both themes include strengthening the already close connection between Linnaeus Knowledge Environment Water research and education, to address the themes and contribute to the training of future water managers and researchers. To further broaden the curiosity and imagination in Water, and extend beyond a linear narrative on sustainable water management, we will collaborate with artists and designers to explore the waterways that are usually not explored. Citizen science initiatives will engage the broader society and bring about informed citizens able to influence decision makers on water in a sustainable society.
Societal challenge: water
Water is essential for life on Earth. More specifically, reliable access to clean water is a major global challenge and a key issue for sustainable development.
The natural cycle of water involves transitions from land to sea and these are critically influenced by human actions. Thus, sustainable management of water resources represents a true societal challenge. Such a challenge cannot be resolved by a single discipline or organisation, but rather requires transdisciplinary knowledge and collaboration among different stakeholders in society.
What is a Linnaeus Knowledge Environment?
Meeting societal challenges with knowledge in creative environments that integrate education, research, and collaboration – knowledge environments – is something that permeates Linnaeus University’s vision and work.
Seven of our knowledge environments have been appointed Linnaeus Knowledge Environment. They all work interdisciplinary in order to get a broad take on the societal challenges within each field.
In the Linnaeus Knowledge Environment Water we work together to contribute to a healthy water transition from land to sea. We consider water as an important resource we have to manage as well as respect. Importantly, the knowledge environment gathers a critical mass of knowledge required to obtain and inform on the management of a healthy water landscape. Our aim is to position the knowledge environment as a national and international hub for blue sustainability.
Research, education and collaboration
Our researchers come from a variety of faculties and disciplines with different perspectives on water. We also educate students on all levels directly about water and indirectly in issues related to sustainability and the UN's sustainable development goals. To achieve this, we also have a wide network of collaborations with external actors, both within and outside of academia, We also continuously welcome new collaborators and challenges rooted in everyday issues, from local to global.
Interested to learn more? Contact us about everything that has to do with research, collaboration and teaching in the field of water!
Contact person: Caroline Littlefield,
Current projects
Current KM Water Seed Funding Projects
“The installation of micro-recovery at Södra Cell – startup of a new research
collaboration” Lead PI: Elin Lindehoff, Dept. Biology and Environmental Science,
“Microplastics in the Baltic Sea – A new research group at Linnaeus
University” Lead PIs: Marcelo Ketzer, Anna Augustsson, Jörgen Forss, Charlotte Parsland, Cheng Chang. Dept. of Biology and Environmental Sciences, FHL, Dept. of Built Environment and Energy Technology, FTK, Master programme in Environmental Science and Sustainability, Dept. of Biology and Environmental Sciences, FHL.
”Pfas och extraherbart organiskt fluor i sjöar i sydöstra sverige som nyttjas för
husbehovsfiske efter abborre, gädda och mört,” Lead PIs: Anna Augustsson och
Petter Tibblin, Dept. Biology and Environmental Science, FHL.
Microplastic (MP) dispersal via wastewater treatment plants, Proponents: Marcelo Ketzer, Anna Augustsson, Cheng Chang, Jörgen Forss.
Ny kurs: Hur bevarar vi vårt vatten för kommande generationer, Samuel Hylander, Biology and Environmental Sciences
This project will focus on the development of a new water management course to be offered both to students and professionals. The aim of the course is to increase knowledge on water administration to those who currently work in the field, as well as those who will do so in the future. The course will, ultimately, strengthen collaboration between Linnaeus University and career, as well as to give students valuable contacts in the future.
Behavioral economics and water scarcity, Tobias König, Economy department
König’s project will focus on behavioral approaches towards sustainable water consumption by collecting experimental data using different behavioral instruments. Ultimately, the aim is to provide evidence-based policy recommendations on effective measures towards sustainable water use.
Kalmar Dam: a watermark between sea and land
Collaboration with Kalmar Municipality.
Pedagogical development of methods for preschool pedagogy, science didactics, and the general public
Human dimensions: Can the damm give inspiration and become an entry point for groups who seldom visit nature?
Student focus on water quality and ecology.
Project is ongoing.
Water as a resource in future climate scenarios
Collaboration with Kronoberg Region, CIL, Ljungby Municipality, Lagans water council and the Lake Bolmen Research Station.
2 workshops: identifying knowledge gaps and uncertainty about how much good quality water is both available and consumed
Theme 1: Potential conflicts involving water in the future
Tema 2: Environmental technology for good quality water
Our main two approaches for research are:
- Water as resource
- Water from land to coast and sea
More information about our research interests are found under the heading Approach above and in each research group below.
Research environments
Algoland - Algal Solutions for Air, Water, Industry and Society Our research group studies the capacity of microalgae to purify air and water, produce energy and biomass and contribute to sustainable…
Bioresource Technology Bioresource Technology is the umbrella term for the university's research in the fields of bioenergy, biotechnology, combustion engineering, chemical engineering and process…
Center for International Business Studies on Emerging Markets (CIBEM) We specialize in research on international marketing, international business strategies and international entrepreneurship. The…
Environmental Geochemistry Our research group consists of environmental scientists working with issues related to environmental geochemistry, which is the study of how chemical processes and flows in…
Linnaeus University Centre for Data Intensive Sciences and Applications The DISA research centre at Linnaeus University focuses its efforts on open questions in collection, analysis and utilization of…
Linnaeus University Centre for Ecology and Evolution in Microbial model Systems (EEMiS) EEMiS is a centre for research excellence studying ecological and evolutionary interactions from land to sea.
Marine phytoplankton ecology and applications (MPEA) Our research team works within the complex and fascinating world of phytoplankton, and studies the role of bio- and chemical interactions among…
Palaeoecology, Environment And ClimatE (PEACE) Our research focuses on understanding past short- to long-term interactions between the environment, human activities and climate. This is necessary to…
Research projects
A list of all research projects carried out within the frame of the knowledge environment Water would be extensive. Please find the projects by clicking on the desired research group in the list under the heading Research environments above, or click here to see all projects.
Highlighted Research in the KM Water Network
These are some of the research projects connected to Linnaeus Knowledge Environment Water. Click here to see all projects.
Algoland - Algal Solutions for Air, Water, Industry and Society Our research group studies the capacity of microalgae to purify air and water, produce energy and biomass and contribute to sustainable…
Project: Multi-Use Offshore Platform This project examines the feasibility of developing a pilot-scale multi-use offshore platform (MUOP) at the wind farm nearshore Kårehamn in the Baltic Sea.
Linnaeus University participating in the "North of Greenland" Expedition News
Researcher from Linnaeus University is the national coordinator when Sweden joins the DARIAH network News
Pollutants from Old Glassworks Affect Groundwater Less Than Expected News
Wanted: Three industrial doctoral students with a focus on data-intensive applications News
Many researchers within the Knowledge Environment - Water may be wondering what it means to collaborate with external "strategic partners." This PDF guide can help you to navigate that field.
Guide to strategic partnerships
Our education spans several faculties and departments. A list of our main programs is found below.
Programmes and courses
First-cycle level (bachelor, bachelor of science in engineering)
- International Business Programme (180 credits; main field of study: economics)
In Swedish:
- Biologiprogrammet (180 credits; biology)
- Energi och miljö, högskoleingenjör (180 credits; bioenergy technology)
- Enterprising & Business Development (180 credits; economics)
- Miljöanalytiker (180 credits; environmental science)
- Sjöingenjör (180 credits; maritime science)
- Sjökapten (180 credits; maritime science)
- Skog och träteknik, högskoleingenjör (180 credits; forestry and wood technology)
Second-cycle level (master)
- Aquatic Ecology, Master Programme (120 credits; biology)
- Entrepreneurship, Sustainability and Social Change, Master Programme (120 credits; economics)
- Environmental Science and Sustainability, Master Programme (120 credits; biology)
- International Business Strategy, Master Programme (120 credits; economics)
- Sustainable Energy Processes and Systems, master programme (120 credits; bioenergy technology)
We also offer a large number of courses in English in the knowledge environment’s main fields of study. Carry out a search for courses in these subjects.
We often conduct our research in collaboration with other actors from the public sector, the private sector and the civil society. These collaborations are highly valued and they also provide added value in the education, for example through guest lectures and degree projects. We also work actively to make our activities visible through popular science lectures and other events.
Steering Group
- Jarone Pinhassi Professor
- +46 480-44 62 12
- +46 72-594 94 48
- jaronepinhassilnuse
- Giangiacomo Bravo Professor
- +46 470-70 87 82
- giangiacomobravolnuse
- Elin Lindehoff Associate Professor
- +46 480-44 73 59
- elinlindehofflnuse
- Jörgen Forss Senior lecturer, vice dean
- +46 470-70 82 33
- +46 72-207 59 81
- jorgenforsslnuse
- Marcelo Ketzer Professor
- +46 480-44 62 55
- marceloketzerlnuse
- Tobias König Senior Lecturer, Head of Department
- +46 470-70 82 62
- tobiaskoniglnuse
The Flow
Welcome to the KM Vatten Official blog and feel free to browse our newsletter archive below, featuring up-to-date information on all things Water at LNU.
Find a researcher
Looking to talk to an expert in KM Vatten? Click below on the relevant topics to find a researcher
Marine microbial ecology, Baltic Sea researchers
- Elin Lindehoff Associate Professor
- +46 480-44 73 59
- elinlindehofflnuse
- Catherine Legrand Professor
- +46 480-44 73 09
- +46 70-438 06 18
- catherinelegrandlnuse
- Hanna Farnelid Associate professor
- +46 480-44 62 96
- +46 72-594 98 20
- hannafarnelidlnuse
- Jarone Pinhassi Professor
- +46 480-44 62 12
- +46 72-594 94 48
- jaronepinhassilnuse
- Samuel Hylander Associate professor
- +46 480-44 73 15
- samuelhylanderlnuse
Industry/Academia/Municipal Collaborations
- Elin Lindehoff Associate Professor
- +46 480-44 73 59
- elinlindehofflnuse
- Catherine Legrand Professor
- +46 480-44 73 09
- +46 70-438 06 18
- catherinelegrandlnuse
- Jörgen Forss Senior lecturer, vice dean
- +46 470-70 82 33
- +46 72-207 59 81
- jorgenforsslnuse
- Joacim Rosenlund Senior lecturer
- +46 480-49 71 13
- joacimrosenlundlnuse