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News: Report - Open Research Data at Lnu

A report based on the results from the survey on FAIR research data management that was distributed to researchers and doctoral students at Linnaeus University in June 2024 has now been published in DiVA.

In line with Sweden's goal for full open access to research data by 2026, Linnaeus University (Lnu) is launching a two-year project focused on the FAIR principles—ensuring data is Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable. To facilitate this, the Research Data Support Unit was established in 2019 to assist researchers with challenges in open research data (ORD) curation, publication and related matters. An online survey of faculty and PhD students, which garnered 227 responses, revealed varying familiarity with ORD practices. While 57% reported their fields encourage open data sharing, many were unaware of disciplinary journals supporting ORD practices. Notably, 75.3% had not published ORD due to ethical concerns, lack of support, and time constraints. However, many indicated a willingness to publish data if provided adequate training and support. Feedback highlighted the need for enhanced individual support, improved webpage content coverage and navigation, as well as proactive engagement across departments to align research practices with open science initiatives.

The report is available from this link.

Contact Koraljka Golub if you have questions or comments regarding the report.