EU-flag, Swedish flag and Linnaeus University flag in front of our university buildings.

MSCA-Postdoctoral Fellowship

Marie Skłodowska Curie Actions (MSCA) provide EU funding for younger researchers moving to a new country for their research and for developing their career. We welcome researchers that are interested in joining us here at Linnaeus University. If you intend to apply for EU’s MSCA-postdoctoral fellowship and have found a research group that you want to become part of, you can ask to join our Expression of Interest programme to get support when writing your application to EU.

The Expressions of Interest programme at Linnaeus University supports candidates who want to apply for Marie Skłodowska Curie Action – Postdoctoral Fellowship (MSCA-PF) with Linnaeus University as a host.

The EU-funded programme supports the research and career of researchers by funding up to two years of research for candidates in the early stages of their academic career (up to eight years after obtaining a PhD).

The research environments that are part of the programme support candidates during the whole application process.

The deadline to take part in Linnaeus University's programme will be spring 2025 and the deadline for the application to the EU is probably in September 2025 ( last year it  was 11 September 2024).