Media, Democracy and Human Rights, Master Programme
120 creditsAre you interested in analysing media’s role in society? Do you want to influence media development in line with democratic principles and human rights? This master’s programme enables you to become an active agent in media development in an international context.
The programme focuses on leadership, democracy, and human rights. It aims to prepare you as tomorrow’s researcher, social narrator, or decision-maker to be able to contribute responsibly and insightfully to the development and regulation of the media landscape. A developement based on democratic ideals and principles, regardless of nationality and geographical considerations.
During the programme you will get a deeper understanding of the increasingly important role and growing impact of the media as regards public service announcements, political communication, cultural expression, and social mobilisation. As a student you are provided with a theoretical understanding, analytical tools, and strategic competence. This enables you to not only understand, but to become an active agent in, media development that affects democracy, human rights, and regulation of the media in an international context.
The programme is highly international, with case studies and course reading material taken from a broad international context. We welcome students from all over the world.
The program is offered online (distance learning) and on campus simultaneously. The teaching and course-work is integrated according to the Glocal-classroom model, so that students who participate online and students in the classroom on campus are taught together, and follow the same schedule. If you want to apply for the distance learning version, please use the application code: LNU-F2301. If you want to apply for the campus version, please use the application code: LNU-F2302.
After graduation you have several options for your career. The programme is a great preparation for PhD studies. You can also work with:
• management and development services in the media industry
• policies and analysis in national and international political and non-profit organisations, or in companies and public authorities
• journalism
• media development and media strategies in the private and public sectors
• information and communication
• teaching at different levels.
Master of Science with specialisation in Media, Democracy and Human Rights
Main field of study: Media and Communication
Programme Coordinator
Admission Process
You have two options to apply:
1. With letter of intent, and grades.
2. With grades only.
Please note that admission to the programme is based on an alternative selection criterion.
Of these selected criteria, the letter of intent will be weighed highest.
Application Process
The application process consists of two steps.
- First you need to apply to the programme online at - Deadline 15 January 2024.
- Secondly, you need to submit a letter of intent - Deadline 1 February 2024, Submit your letter on your pages on
Letter of intent
Please write a letter of intent that describes your interest in the programme by answering the following questions:
- Describe your previous experiences you think is of relevance to the program.
- Explain your goals with attending the programme in relation to:
- What you want to learn and why?
- What you hope to do in your career and how this education will help you achieve that?
- Your personal development or interest in the subject matter.
Also provide the following information:
- Your full name.
- Application number for identification (if application number is unknown, please provide date of birth instead).
- Name of University at which you have studied for your BSc/BA degree.
- In which country have you studied for your undergraduate degree.
The completed document must not exceed two pages in total.
Distance – study where you are
Perhaps you would like to study in the Swedish mountains, in a big city, or at home close to family? Many of our programmes and courses are offered in distance format.
Studying at a distance can be done in different ways, either entirely without physical gatherings or with only a few gatherings on campus or at one of our learning centres. The common denominator is that a large part of your studies takes place online. You communicate with the teacher and other students with the help of a learning platform with discussion forums, group work, recorded lectures and online meetings.
The benefit of distance studies is the flexibility, something that is valuable if you want to be free to decide when and where you want to study. Some compulsory elements on you course or programme may take place during office hours, even though they are online.