Doctoral student in lab with supervisor

300 doctoral students in over 30 subjects

High-quality research is carried out at Linnaeus University, focusing on everything from health, social work, and the behavioral sciences, to the humanities, social sciences, economics, design, the natural sciences, and engineering and technology

The research is carried out either as specialisation research within a faculty, or through interdisciplinary research across faculty boundaries. In many subjects, research is also carried out with a didactic or educational specialisation. Research training is offered within all faculties and leads to a licentiate or doctoral degree. Approximately 300 doctoral students are active in 32 different subjects, several of which have a didactic or educational science specialisation.

Linnaeus University provides research training characterised by good conditions, a committed supervisory team, and well-established national and international networks. 

Holders of doctoral degrees from Linnaeus University have pursued research together with supervisors and other doctoral students in high-quality research environments, and are used to working in teams and to presenting their research in many different contexts.

Research training is the foundation for a career as a researcher and teacher at a university, or as a researcher in the industry. This type of training can also often lead to other exciting jobs.

Courses at third-cycle level

Linnaeus University offers a number of different courses at third-cycle level within our subjects. Some of these are open to doctoral students at other universities, while others are open only to doctoral students at the faculty or subject itself. In the lists below, which are not complete yet, you will find those of our courses that have their own pages.


Admittance to PhD studies

To be admitted to PhD studies in a third-cycle subject area there are some requirements which have to be fulfilled. These requirements concern the applicant as well as the faculty hosting the subject area.

These are the basic areas of requirements: 

How to apply for a doctoral position

Most doctoral student positions (PhD's) at Linnaeus University are officially announced through the Linnaeus University job vacancy page. The application process differs depending on if the doctoral position is officially announced or not.

Other information
