Efficient scienftifc writing: Writing better papers, faster

The course is based on exercises that are connected to your own writing of mainly articles but also your thesis. Exercises include finding out when you yourself write best (Mondays, Wednesdays, mornings, afternoons…) and how long sessions you yourself should use for writing (2h, 15 minutes…) for being most efficient.

You will also read articles that you select because you love the topic, find it easy to read, or very difficult to read. By analyzing how other articles are written you will relate this to your own writing.

Course information

Number of credits

3 credits

Given by

Department of Swedish

Open to

All students at Lnu

Teaching language

Swedish and English


Distance learning

Next course occasion

Not decided yet.

Study rate, or the equivalent

50 %


If you have questions or want to apply for the course, please contact Annika Andersson.


Admitted to third-cycle-studies.

Teaching method

Please scheck the schedule
