
Scientific Writing in English for Postgraduates

Welcome to an online course for PhD students at Universities in South Sweden who aim at developing their ability to write scientific texts in English!

Course information

Number of credits

3 credits

Given by

Department of Languages

Open to

All PhD students at LNU and other universities in Sweden

Teaching language



Distance learning

Next course occasion

Autumn 2024

Study rate, or the equivalent



For registration on the course, please contact Charlotte Hommerberg, no later than 15 October, 2024.


Admitted to third-cycle studies.

The course starts on 13 November, 2024, 13.15 in Zoom, continues with four additional Zoom meetings and ends in January 2025.

For course details, please consult the schedule and the syllabus.

Course co-ordinator & lecturer: Charlotte Hommerberg, Associate Professor, English Linguistics, Department of Languages, FKH. Invited lecture: Mattias Rieloff & Ted Gunnarsson. (University Library)

Please note that the number of participants is limited to 10, and the places are allotted on a first-come-first-served basis.