allmän forksrutbildningsbild

Intermediality and Digitalization: Theoretical concepts and analytical perspectives

This PhD-course aims at introducing and critically debating a cluster of different terms and approaches under the headings of intermediality with a specific focus on intermediality and digitalization. The course presents concepts and analytical methods to approach the transformation of content and form between media as well as the combination of media in constellations inside and outside the area of aesthetic products.

The course addresses questions that are not isolated to artistic aesthetic media types but will have interest for students coming from a wide range of disciplines including education, design, comparative literature and film studies, artistic research, musicology, archaeology, art history, media theory, media and communication studies and linguistics. Consequently, the “objects” of the doctoral students’ projects may range from social or historical processes to objects and media products.

Course information

Number of credits

7.5 credits

Given by

Department of film and literature

Open to

Doctoral students from Linnaeus university and other Swedish universities.

Teaching language




Next course occasion

Spring 2024

Study rate, or the equivalent


Deadline for applications

15 January, 2024


For registration or questions concerning the course, please contact Beate Schirrmacher.


In order to be admitted to the course, the student must be admitted to a third-cycle programme.

Teaching method

Teaching is delivered in the form of hybrid lectures and seminar exercises. The course is examined through written and oral assignments.

Additional information

The course will in given in a hybrid mode. There are two IRL meetings 30 Jan-1 Feb in Malmö and 6-7 March in Växjö (with a possibility to join via zoom for students who cannot go to Malmö and Växjö) consisting of presentations of central notions and their discussion, lectures by guest speakers and discussions of PhD projects.

The first meeting 30 Jan-1 Feb in Malmö offers a theoretical and philosophical introduction to media theory and the history of intermedial studies, presents different approaches to combinations and transformation across media, with a specific focus on Elleström’s theoretical framework and introduces intermedial perspectives to digital media. 

The following hybrid seminars will present and discuss different thematic aspects of intermedial research at IMS. At the end of the course, the students will write a research papet that addresses and discusses intermedial aspects of their PhD-projects with the theoretical concepts introduced in the course.

The second meeting 6-7 March in Växjö presents current research within the area of intermediality and digitalization as well as a workshop with PhD-presentations of ongoing work with feedback from senior researchers.

During the course, the students will write a research paper that addresses and discusses intermedial and (if applicable) digital aspects of their PhD-projects with the theoretical concepts introduced in the course