branch of apple blossom

Ethnography in Social Work

The starting point of the course is the experience and issues that the participants encounter during their own work in collecting material for their theses, and the importance of this to the production of analysis, results, and text.
One of the key issues discussed and tested during the course, also in relation to the participants’ own research in social work or the equivalent, is what kind of knowledge ethnographic method and writing may add to the process that other research methods do not.

Course information

Number of credits

7.5 credits

Given by

Department of Social Work

Open to

All PhD students.

Teaching language



Distance learning

Next course occasion

Not decided

Study rate, or the equivalent

10 %


Admission to third-cycle studies is required.

Teaching method

The course is process oriented and follows the participants through different stages of field studies, analysis, and writing. Teaching takes place in the form of seminars and independent specific literature studies.

Content, aim and objectives

Read about the courses content, aim and objectives in the Course description.