GATE – Graduate School of Advanced Technology and Enterprising
GATE – Graduate School of Advanced Technology and Enterprising is Sweden's first doctoral school focused on the challenges faced by small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the digital transition. Through education and collaboration, the doctoral school bridges the gap between research and practical application in business operations. GATE is a collaboration between the School of Business and Economics and the Faculty of Technology at Linnaeus University, with a focus on enterprises in Småland.
About the GATE initiative
Globalisation and rapid technological development have created unprecedented opportunities for the business sector. Innovations such as automation, digitalisation, AI, and the Internet of Things (IoT) are reshaping the business world, creating new products, services, business models, markets, and competitors.
To ensure that these advancements contribute to increased prosperity, it is essential to understand how they are implemented within companies. The effective utilisation of these technologies is crucial for creating successful and sustainable enterprises, especially in light of environmental and climate challenges.
Småland, a region renowned for its entrepreneurial spirit and innovative strength in both traditional industries and emerging sectors such as IT and energy, faces an increasing need for new competencies to manage these rapid changes.
Through its established partnerships with local businesses, the School of Business and Economics and the Faculty of Technology aim to promote entrepreneurship and the integration of new technology in the business sector via the GATE doctoral school. This collaborative initiative focuses on addressing the specific needs of small and medium-sized enterprises during the ongoing technological paradigm shift. The partnership enables researchers and students to quickly adopt new technologies and accelerate their application in both the private and public sectors.
Research seminar on digital business strategy
Title: Development of International Digital Business Strategy: Knowledge, Dynamic Competition, and Performance
Date: December 12, 2024
Time: 12:00 - 13:00
Place: Zoom
Speaker: Professor Anders Pehrsson
Apply for PhD position: two PhD positions in informatics
Our first PhD student
Our first doctoral candidate has officially commenced his doctoral project in collaboration with Södra. Congratulations to Ibb Lampic Aaltonen!
Ibb Lampic Aaltonen, School of Business and Economics, SBE
More about GATE
What the graduate school offers
The GATE graduate school provides a cohesive doctoral training programme where multiple doctoral students and senior researchers work on projects within a more defined area, with shared courses and seminars. The graduate school directly contributes to enterprises and develops industry-specific and business-specific competencies, while the research also provides broader general knowledge.
Enterprises benefit from the knowledge generated by participating in the graduate school; directly through doctoral projects that focus on problems which are, to some extent, specific to the company, and indirectly by participating in the graduate school's activities, where they gain insights from the entire breadth of the research school. The graduate school can have a significant impact on the region as a whole, but also serve as an example of how national and regional development is promoted through collaboration between academia and industry.
The aim of the graduate school
The objective of the investment in GATE - Graduate School of Advanced Technology and Enterprising is to establish Sweden's only graduate school in 2024 with focus on what creates long-term successful companies in times of significant technological shifts.
Launching in spring 2024, this initiative offers a unique opportunity for enterprises to directly benefit from new research findings and innovation strategies, which are expected to help small and medium-sized enterprises not only survive but thrive in an increasingly digitalised and globalised economy.
The establishment of the school was made possible by a generous donation of 10 million SEK from Våge Svensson, a prominent business leader with ties to the Kronoberg region. The donation is a significant investment in the region's competitiveness and a way for Våge Svensson to give back to the local business community where he has been active for most of his career. Subsequently, the Kamprad Foundation has contributed to the financing of a doctoral student from the School of Economics.
Link to the news on Våge Svensson's donation: Donation offers unique opportunity for a new graduate school focused on creating successful companies in Kronoberg county
Link to the Kamprad Foundation donating 25 million SEK to Linnaeus University for the development of business activities in Småland (news item in Swedish).
Steering Committee
Susanne Ackum, School of Business and Economics (FEH)
Jesper Andersson, Faculty of Technology (FTK)
Project Leaders
Arianit Kurti, Faculty of Technology (FTK)
Anita Mirijamdotter, Faculty of Technology (FTK)
Anders Pehrsson, School of Business and Economics (FEH)
Christina Öberg, School of Business and Economics (FEH)
Research Director
Natalia Berg, School of Business and Economics (FEH)
Doctoral Student Representative
Participating enterprises and collaborative partners
If you are a SME based in Kronoberg, that is undergoing transformation processes as a results of new technology adoption and would like some research insights as a support, feel free to contact us.
Doctoral candidates
Ibb Lampic Aaltonen, School of Business and Economics (SBE)