Third-cycle (doctoral) courses and study programmes in sport science
Are you curious about conducting research into the field of sport science? We offer doctoral students the opportunity to do so, in the form of courses and study programmes.
What does third-cycle studies entail?
Within the field of sport science, we offer qualified education at the third-cycle level. The aim of the studies is that you as a student shall acquire the knowledge and skills required to independently plan, carry out and present in writing scientific studies relevant to the subject of sport science.
At the third-cycle level you will study courses (60 credits) while conducting your own independent research (180 credits) under supervision. The third-cycle courses and study programmes in sport science comprise four years of full-time studies (240 credits) resulting in a Degree of Doctor.
The work is, to the major part, independently carried out. You work on your thesis under the guidance of a principal supervisor and one or several assistant supervisors.
What prior knowledge is required?
To be admitted as a doctoral student, you have to fulfil the general as well as the specific entry requirements.
To meet the general entry requirements, you must have one of the following:
- a second-cycle qualification,
- completed the course requirements comprising at least 240 credits, of which at least 60 credits at the second-cycle level, or
- in some other way within Sweden or abroad, acquired to the main part the equivalent knowledge.
Specific entry requirements
The specific entry requirements applied to be admitted to third-cycle studies in sport science entail passed courses comprising 90 credits within the field of sport science, or corresponding knowledge assessed by Linnaeus University as equivalent. Within these 90 credits, an independent project (degree project) comprising at least 15 credits at the second-cycle level is required. Having a good knowledge and command of the languages concerned are also required.
As a doctoral student you are generally employed by the university and appointed to a doctoral studentship. A doctoral studentship entails employment as doctoral student, where 80–100 % of your work is spent on your own individual doctoral studies. The remaining 0–20 per cent may be used for other assignments at the university, such as being of assistance in first-cycle teaching.
How do I become a doctoral student in sport science?
To the extent it is possible to admit new doctoral students, this is posted online on Linnaeus University, on the page Work at the University. We do not accept applications any other way.
Doctoral projects
Below, please find some of the ongoing and concluded doctoral projects in sport science.
Ongoing projects
Doctoral project: Guidelines for training of the knee joint musculature The purpose of this thesis is to provide knowledge of and guidelines for how individuals with patellofemoral pain syndrome…
Doctoral project: School sport programmes – on the selection process and on the process of being selected This thesis delves into the realm of school sport programmes, investigating their conditions…
Doctoral project: Special sports football education The purpose of the study is to understand the special sports teacher's actions in the field of tension between school and sports and between…
Doctoral project: Still going strong? The aim of this thesis is to gain a deeper understanding on how men aged over 60 years experience ageing, the body and masculinity in the context of physical…
Doctoral project: Towards challenges in organized sports The project focuses on girls' biological, psychological and social challenges in organized sports during puberty and adolescence.
Doctoral project: Women’s fitness doping The project focuses on women’s meaning making of doping and doping use, in a gym and fitness context. More precisely, the project aims to seek an understanding…
Concluded projects
More information
Please contact Jesper Andreasson, director of studies for third-cycle study courses and programmes, if you want to learn more about doctoral studies in sport science.
- Read more about entry requirements, content and objectives of the programme in the study plan below.
- General information about third-cycle studies at Linnaeus University.
- Read more about our research in sport science. Here, you will find information about our projects, which can give you tips on domains that you as a doctoral student could do research in.
- Vacancies at Linnaeus University.