Linnaeus University Stable Isotope Laboratory
We identify and quantify gases and liquids in different types of samples and perform stable isotopic analyses of carbon (d13C), hydrogen (dD), oxygen (d18O), and nitrogen (d15N).
Research focus
Our research is focused on, but is not limited to the identification, quantification, and study of gases in natural and human-modified aquatic environments. We analyse, for instance, hydrocarbons (notably methane) and carbon dioxide in interstitial waters in sediment pores, in sea and lake waters, and in the air. Our system can separate different compounds in a gas mix or dissolved in water and measure their isotopic composition separately. Carbon stable isotopes of hydrocarbons, in particular, can be analysed in samples with very low concentrations, such as methane in air (approximately 2000 ppb). We also have facilities to conduct experiments and sample preparation in anoxic environments.
Examples of research activities and collaboration
We have been involved in the sampling, identification, quantification, and isotopic analysis of gases in different projects and locations:
Mediterranean Sea
Risk evaluation of seafloor instability in the Alboran Sea (western Mediterranean).
Atlantic Ocean
Origin and spatial distribution of hydrocarbon seafloor seeps in the Amazon deep-sea fan.
Arctic Ocean
Sea-glacier interactions and release of greenhouse gases in a changing climate.
Baltic Sea
Identification of hotspots for seafloor and atmospheric methane release in coastal and deep Baltic Sea areas.
Lake Vättern
Quantification of methane release from old dumping sites of the paper industry (a.k.a. fiberbanks) in Sweden.
We collaborate with universities and research institutes in Sweden and abroad, and with other actors in the public and private sectors.
- Molecular composition and quantification of gases: ThermoFisher GC Trace 1310.
- Stable isotopic composition of gases: ThermoFisher GC Trace 1310 coupled to a Delta V Plus Isotopic Ratio Mass Spectrometer via a GC-Isolink system. Analyses of methane at low concentrations are performed using a Pre-Con unit with one chemical and three cryogenic traps coupled to the above system.
- Stable isotopic composition of organic compounds dissolved in water: ThermoFisher/Dionex 3000 HPLC coupled to a Delta V Plus Isotopic Ratio Mass Spectrometer via a LC-Isolink system.
- Sample preparation and experiments under anoxic environments: MBraun Labstar Glovebox (O2 < 1 ppm).