Algoland - Algal Solutions for Air, Water, Industry and Society
Our research group studies the capacity of microalgae to purify air and water, produce energy and biomass and contribute to sustainable societal development.
Our Research
The Algoland team, led by Elin Lindehoff and Catherine Legrand, operates a series of research projects that explore sustainable, algae-based solutions to societal challenges. Starting at Linnaeus University, we have branched out to form myriad industry – municipal – academia partnerships, with a network that stretches further each year. We also have an extensive science outreach program for teaching the community about the importance of algae in society.
Our research addresses global environmental problems at a local level:
- Use of fossil fuels
- Climate change
- CO2 emissions
- Polluted water
- Eutrophication
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Our Research – in pictures
Lina Mattsson
Kimberly Berglöf
Project: Algoland – Cleaning the air The Algoland project - Cleaning the air finds sustainable solutions to societal challenges. With Linnaeus University at its core, Algoland encompasses a community…
Project: Algoland – Cleaning the water The Algoland project finds sustainable solutions to societal challenges. With Linnaeus University at its core, Algoland encompasses a community of knowledge from…
Project: Algoland – Mussel farming and sustainable feed from algae and mussels The Algoland project "Mussel farming and sustainable feed from algae and mussels" finds sustainable solutions to societal…
Project: Facilitating blue growth with open courses by utilizing R&D products and virtual mobility (FOCUS) FOCUS aims to enable the exchange of knowledge and transfer of good practice from the R&D…
A film about Algoland
The Algoland Team
- Elin Lindehoff Associate Professor
- +46 480-44 73 59
- elinlindehofflnuse
- Catherine Legrand Professor
- +46 480-44 73 09
- +46 70-438 06 18
- catherinelegrandlnuse
- Hanna Farnelid Associate professor
- +46 480-44 62 96
- +46 72-594 98 20
- hannafarnelidlnuse
- Lina Mattsson
- linamattssonlnuse
- Fredrik Svensson Laboratory engineer
- +46 480-44 73 44
- fredriksvenssonlnuse
- Thi Quyen Nham Doctoral student
- quyennhamlnuse
- Caroline Littlefield Karlsson Project assistent
- +46 480-44 73 25
- carolinelittlefieldkarlssonlnuse
- Laura Bas Conn Laboratory engineer
- laurabasconnlnuse
- Joacim Rosenlund Senior lecturer
- +46 480-49 71 13
- joacimrosenlundlnuse
- Magnus Elfwing Lecturer
- +46 480-44 62 25
- magnuselfwinglnuse
- Kristofer Bergström Project assistent
- +46 480-44 73 70
- +46 72-594 96 40
- kristoferbergstromlnuse
Cement industry :
- Heidelberg Cementa
- Sma mineral
Energy and waste:
- Kretslopp
- Kalmarenergi
Forest industry
- Södra cell AB
- Voxtorp
- Swedish Agro
- Funding Agencies:
- Energimyndigheten
- KK-stiftelsen
- Familjen Kamprads stiftelse
- Stiftelsen lantbruksforskning
- Kalmar Kommun
- Växjö Kommun
- CemVision
- BioResm
Sustainable Sweden Southeast
Kalmarsund Promotion
The European Union Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region (EUSBSR)
European Regional Development Fund
Kalmar Science Park
Das Meer - Unser Blaues Wunder
Maritime Institute in Gdańsk
South Baltic Professionals
Länsstyrelsen Kalmar län
Interreg Baltic Sea Region
Kalmar lantmän
AESIS Sweden Impact Award
The Sweden Impact Award brings the spotlight to projects with societal driving force. Projects are assessed based on how well they create positive synergistic effects with society. In 2017, Algoland won the SWI in the category of Medical and Life Sciences.
Each year, the Kalmar Climate Commission hands out an award to a company or organisation that has taken measures to inspire and generate innovation, jobs and activities within the field of climate and energy sustainability. Algoland and project leader Catherine Legrand was the 2016 recipient.
Äspö Environmental Research Award
"Awarded to Elin Lindehoff for her work in spreading awareness about the condition of the Baltic Sea".
Clean Air Committee of Kalmar
"The Algoland Project Team is awarded for excellence in researching the potential for microalgae to clean flue gas at the Cementa plant on Öland. The project also focuses on recycling nutrients from sewage leachate water, and producing bioenergy for the southern Baltic Sea Region.
Through the team's great engagement, the project has established an interest among the business sector, promising future development within the field."