Art, Culture and Entrepreneurship
At a time when art and culture increasingly are subjected to market conditions, entrepreneurship has become a force to be reckoned with in society, not only as a mediator of artistic and cultural values but also as a significant creator of jobs in the field of art and culture. The interdisciplinary research group Art, Culture and Entrepreneurship (ACE) is devoted to the study of such entrepreneurship, and explores initiatives to establish new forms of organised practices within the field of art and culture.
Research group leader
Our research profile
The research group Art, Culture & Entrepreneurship (ACE) dedicates itself to providing an intellectual sanctuary for all those interested in entrepreneurship in the field of art and culture. Therefore, the research conducted in the group is intentionally interdisciplinary, and as such characterised by diversity in terms of research traditions as well as methods and theories used.
Empirically, the research within the group represents a differentiated empirical repertoire with studies of entrepreneurship within theater, opera, design, museums, literature, etc. Specific empirical attention is paid to processes of AI and digitalisation, and the consequences of prosumption, i.e. the fusion of production and consumption into one category.
By conducting research at the intersection of art, culture and entrepreneurship, ACE also aspires to promote Linnaeus University’s work with achieving the strategic visions of The Cultural University and The Entrepreneurial University.
- Anders Högberg Professor
- +46 480-44 69 91
- andershogberglnuse
- Anna Schulze Senior lecturer
- +46 470-70 83 87
- +46 70-290 63 88
- annaschulzelnuse
- Björn Elmgren Senior lecturer
- +46 480-44 67 75
- bjornelmgrenlnuse
- Daniel Ericsson Professor
- +46 470-70 82 31
- danielericssonlnuse
- David Calås Senior Lecturer
- davidcalaslnuse
- Hans-Erik Holgersson Senior lecturer
- +46 470-70 81 27
- hans-erikholgerssonlnuse
- Katarina Ellborg Senior lecturer
- katarinaellborglnuse
- Marina Jogmark Senior lecturer
- +46 480-44 61 87
- marinajogmarklnuse
- Mathias Karlsson Senior lecturer
- +46 480-49 71 90
- mathiashkarlssonlnuse
- Olle Duhlin Lecturer
- olleduhlinlnuse
- Pär Vasko Senior lecturer
- +46 470-70 84 07
- parvaskolnuse
- Patrik Persson Lecturer
- +46 470-70 85 61
- patrikperssonlnuse
- Piia Posti Senior lecturer, head of department
- +46 470-70 86 07
- piiapostilnuse
ACE online journal
Art, Culture & Entrepreneurship (ACE) is an online, open access, peer-reviewed journal and platform devoted to the study of art and cultural entrepreneurship, i.e. initiatives within the art and cultural sector to establish new forms of organized practices.
The journal in this sense strives for a broad empirical repertoire with studies of entrepreneurship within domains such as the performing arts, visual arts, music, literature, design, cultural heritage, and other related areas. Theoretically-wise, the journal specifically welcomes contributions that advance the understanding of art and cultural entrepreneurship in a cross-disciplinary manner, bridging scholarly insights from the humanities and the social sciences with insights from reflective practitioners within the art and cultural sector.