Center for Learning and Knowledge Technologies

The research in the subject Media Technology at Linnaeus University revolves a lot around mobility, social media and learning, and is mainly carried out within the research group CeLeKT (Center for Learning and Knowledge Technologies).

Our research

Our current research interests include two main topics:

  • The development of mobile, wireless and web 2.0 applications to support collaborative learning
  • The design of interactive learning environments to support collaborative discovery learning about complex domains

The collaborative concept means that the target group will collaborate in order to solve a task common to all.

Our research approach can be characterized by the elaboration of innovative applications in educational scenarios and in workplace settings to support intellectual teamwork. The focus of our particular research efforts in these domains are oriented towards the exploration of new design approaches and innovative uses of mobile and ubiquitous technologies in a variety of collaborative educational settings. Such technologies may include contextual information and mobile services, digital media content, positioning and visualization techniques, for instance. 

Our work is conducted in projects that are financed by a number of organizations both in Sweden and abroad. We also work very close in collaboration with local and international companies.

More information

To learn more about our reseach, please visit our website

