Computational Social Sciences

The research in the area Computational Social Sciences within Linnaeus University Centre for Data Intensive Sciences and Applications (DISA) is about producing and analyzing large quantities of data to understand human behavior in social contexts.

Our research

The researchers within Computational Social Sciences are analyzing data generated by human activities to extend the knowledge about the drivers of human behavior and the most common patterns of interaction. In the research, they are conducting analyses of big data from various sources (social media, learning platforms, ...), implementing online experiments, doing social network analysis, visual learning analytics, and building models based on empirical data.

The research group is open to work with external partners. Computational social science research is often used, for instance, for continuing professional development and decision making support.

Computational Social Sciences is an application area within the Linnæus University Centre of Excellence (LNUC) for Data Intensive Sciences and Applications.

Ongoing research

  • Online experiments on collective action problems in climate change mitigation
  • Analysis of peer review dynamics in scientific journals
  • Analysis of factors promoting political participation online
  • Analysis of factors and technologies to promote learning at various levels, from primary school to professional education
  • Analysis of data-driven support combined with systematic competence development to improve students' results


