DARIAH-SWE? - Discussion around an initiative to start a national organization
Place: Swedish National Data Service, Gothenburg University
Date: 21 February 2018
About: DARIAH-EU is a European ERIC infrastructure for Digital Humanities; similar in structure to CLARIN of which Sweden is a full member. In DARIAH only LNU, Linnaeus University, from Sweden has joined, as a collaborative partner. Collaborative partners have an observer role, while full partnership that comes with decision making and complete access to resources is available to national members, that is, country-level. Major benefits include the following:
- Collaboration for scalability in DH, the hubs and DESIR are an example that DARIAH is now structuring its scaling up, the hubs are flexible and agile, in connecting and provide regional identity within the DH Field and for strongholds in the digital transformation of arts and humanities. Visibility is also an obvious selling point, e.g. for education.
- Access to a huge network of knowledge and research communities, in a diversifying field of DH and connected into an ecosystem – the working groups are an example, and what is now going on in DARIAH is a process to structure the impact of the WG's and to support the work with some funding for mobility.
- Access to and provision of tools and services (the planned DARIAH 'Marketplace' is the example, actually good services and tools are provided per in kind, but they are not for now visible and marketed).
The above is also emphasized by DARIAH-Ireland who created a brochure in the PARTHENOS Project specifically aimed at explaining to policymakers the value of initiatives like DARIAH to the development of humanities research (please see http://training.parthenos-project.eu/for-trainers/
9:30 – 10:00 Coffee and Welcome!
10:00 – 10:30 Experiences from Lund University Humanities Lab: where CLARIN could meet DARIAH (and more), Marianne Gullberg, Lund University
10:30 – 11:00 DARIAH-DK: Experiences from the Danish national initiative, Marianne Ping Huang, Aarhus University
11:00 – 11:30 DARIAH-SE: Potential for Sweden, Kora Golub, Linnaeus university
11:30 – 12:00 Discussion
12:00 – 13:00 Lunch, Wallenberg Conference Centre
13:00 – 13:15 Digital Humanities at CDH, Cecilia Lindhé
13.15 – 13.30 Digital Humanities at Linnaeus University, Kora Golub
13:30 – 14:30 Digital Humanities in Sweden, representatives of participating universities
14:30 – 15:30 Future action: How do we proceed?
Presentations will be added as soon as available.