
Ecochange: Ecosystem dynamics in the Baltic Sea in a changing climate perspective

Ecochange is a research programme, which intends to estimate and predict the climate change responses of the Baltic Sea.

About the project

EcoChange is funded by the Swedish government, via Formas, as part of the government's strategic research initiative on marine environmental research. The project was granted 35.4 MSEK for 2010 – 2014. The programme has been prolonged until 2020.

The programme is a collaboration of Umeå University (UmU), Linnaeus University in Kalmar (LNU), the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU), and the Swedish Museum of Natural History (NRM). The programme is hosted by Umeå University.

"For years, the Baltic Sea has been affected by eutrophication and overfishing. Now, climate changes threaten to accentuate these human-induced effects leading to ecosystem changes of hitherto unprecedented magnitudes."
EcoChange, Umeå Marine Sciences Centre.

More about Ecochange



All EcoChange Publications

See all publications from EcoChange research programme from 2011 and on.


The project is funded by The Swedish Research Council Formas