
The research within the EdTechLnu field of knowledge has three main strands:
• Developing new technology to support education and learning.
• Studying teaching and learning where students and teachers use digital technology.
• Changing educational activities and practice through the implementation of digital technology.

Our research

The educational technology (EdTech) subject field involves the study of how digital resources can be used and further developed to support all types of education, teaching, and learning.

What are we researching?

The research conducted in the EdTechLnu field of knowledge at Linnaeus University has three main strands, all of which are interconnected:

  • Technical research with the aim of developing new digital technology and new methods to support education and learning processes. This research is carried out in collaboration with various EdTech companies. An example of this is the interpretation and modeling of digital educational data from digital teaching aids and administrative digital systems, with the help of visual learning analytics, in order to create a pedagogical and legally secure system with visual decision support for both teachers and students.
  • Pedagogical research that examines teaching and learning using digital technology in schools and other learning contexts. This research focuses on understanding how, when, and for whom – but, above all, why – digital technology can facilitate learning processes. Equally important is to identify and analyze contexts where technology proves to be an obstacle.
  • Organizational research with a focus on the development and long-term implementation of a Visual Learning Analytics (VLA), with the aim of influencing practice at the level of the individual, group or organization. An example could be to make digital environments an integrated aspect of daily practice for school leaders, teachers, students and other school staff through a structured approach to competence development.

Key areas in our research are educational technology, computer science, media technology, pedagogy, implementation science, organizational development, psychology and behavioural science.

What are our goals?

  • To develop new technology to support teaching and learning.
  • To develop new methods for studying the effects of technology-supported learning.
  • To analyze, integrate and use data related to students' online learning and behaviours, and school administration, in order to increase the quality of education for all students – regardless of school, individual abilities and age.
  • To understand how and why digital technology can facilitate learning processes.
  • To investigate, describe and critically examine the implementation of digital technology in teaching in preschool, school and higher education.
  • To develop innovative alternative and complementary tools and methods, and from a user perspective to explore how these tools and methods can be designed so that they take advantage of new technical opportunities, as well as simplify and improve implementation and accessibility.
  • To develop educational activities through implementation science.




Research group partners