Educational Linguistics
The Educational Linguistics research group brings together researchers in Linguistics and in Language Education, focusing on the theme ‘language (in) education’ (see Hult, 2010).*
We address questions that reflect different perspectives on language and language education, for example classroom interaction, subject-specific language practices, multimodality, language development and assessment. Our main areas of research are the following:
- Criticality
- Discourses and policy in education
- Literacy
- Multilingualism
- Teaching and learning
This research group provides a venue for educational linguistic research across a range of different languages and is tied to the Department of Languages and the Department of Swedish Language. The research is aligned with the aims of Linnaeus University to provide high-quality research of immediate relevance to society as well as high-quality undergraduate and post-graduate education. Therefore, the research group is closely connected to pre-service and in-service teacher education and training at Linnaeus University. Several of the researchers in this group are part of local as well as external research networks, collaborating with researchers in cross-disciplinary projects at Linnaeus and other universities. There is also close collaboration with teachers in pre-schools, schools and at university.
The Educational Linguistics research group is tied to the teacher education programmes, providing a resource for students through teaching, supervision and examination of degree projects. The research group also provides professional development opportunities for in-service teachers.
The group meets every other Tuesday morning at 9.30 over coffee for informal discussion of research as well as administrative and practical matters.
EdLing has regular seminars that address a wide scope of research issues and include invited talks, reading seminars and work-in-progress seminars. For more information please see below.
The EdLing Seminars
10/9 09.15–11.00
Mock viva
Justyna Legutko (reviewer: Francis M. Hult, UMBC)
Teaching writing in language classrooms – from autonomous to crosscurricular
and multilingual practices
1/10 13.15–15.00
Research seminar
Robert Walldén
Att hjälpa eller stjälpa? Stöttningsstrategier, texter och kontexter i
andraspråksundervisning för barn och vuxna.
15/10 13.15–15.00
PhD student seminar
Karin Rehman
Nyanlända ungdomars källkritiska granskningar i historieämnet
5/11 13.15–15.00
Research seminar
Maria Håkansson Ramberg
Validitet och bedömning av språklig kompetens
19/11 13.15–15.00
Research seminar
Nathan Young En webbapp för automatisk fonetisk annotering
26/11 13.15–15.00
Research seminar
Sanna Kraft
Tala fram texten
3/12 13.15–15.00
Research seminar with invited speaker
Jenny Bergström, Umeå university
10/12 13.15–15.00
Anna Lundström
Erfarenhetsutbyte med Florens
Previous seminars
- Seminars, spring 2024.pdf
- Seminars, autumn 2023.pdf
- Seminars, spring 2023.pdf
- Seminars, autumn 2022 (pdf)
- Seminars, spring 2022 (pdf)
- Seminars, autumn 2021 (pdf)
- Seminars, spring 2021 (pdf)
- Seminars, autumn 2020 (pdf)
- Seminars, spring 2020 (pdf)
- Seminars, autumn 2019 (pdf)
- Seminars, spring 2019 (pdf)
The EdLing Day
We organise annual symposia on current research issues at Campus Växjö. The EdLing Day takes place in early/mid September. For more information please see below.
The EdLing Day 2023
On September 19, 2023, a symposium on ”Disciplinary literacy in language subjects" is held. Invited speaker is associate professor Mary Macken-Horarik, the Australian Catholic University
Previous EdLing Days
20 September 2022, a symposium on "Writing in Psycholinguistic and Sociocultural Research: Theory and Practice" was held. Invited speakers were professor Synnøve Matre, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, professor Theresa Lillis, The Open University (UK), and Yvonne Knospe, Umeå University.
Program, EdLing Day 2022 (pdf file) -
21 September 2021, on Disciplinary literacy. Invited speakers were professor Susanne Prediger, TU Dortmund University, and professor Zhihui Fang, University of Florida.
Program, EdLing Day 2021 (pdf file) - 15 September 2020, on Discourses, ideologies and policy. Invited speaker was professor Caroline Kerfoot, Stockholm University.
Program, EdLing Day 2020 (pdf file) - 3 September 2019, on Multilingualism. Invited speakers were professor Monica Axelsson, professor emeritus Kenneth Hyltenstam and professor Eduardo Mortimer.
Program, EdLing Day 2019 (pdf file) - 11 September 2018, on Reading for Learning. Invited speakers were professor Tommaso Milani and professor Jenny W Folkeryd.
Program, EdLing Day 2018 (pdf file) - The first EdLing Day was held in August 2017 with a full-day programme devoted to presentations and discussions of on-going research.
* Hult, F. M. (2010). Theme-based research in the transdisciplinary field of educational linguistics. In F. M. Hult (Ed.), Directions and prospects for educational linguistics (pp. 19–32). New York: Springer.
Annual report
Annual reports
Annual report 2021 (pdf file)
Annual report 2022 (pdf file)
Research publications from Educational Linguistics
Research networks
Research networks at Linnaeus University
Other research networks in Sweden and abroad
- NSFL (Nordiskt nätverk för systemisk-funktionell lingvistik och socialsemiotik)
- SMDI, Svenska med didaktisk inriktning
- NNMF, Nordisk nettverk for morsmålsdidaktisk forskning
- ASLA, Den svenska föreningen för tillämpad språkvetenskap (Association suédoise de linguistique appliquée)
- The ESERA Special Interest Group Languages & Literacies in Science Education
- Alejandra Donoso Senior lecturer
- +46 470-70 88 54
- alejandradonosolnuse
- Ann-Charlotte Rohman Roth Lecturer
- +46 470-70 82 74
- ann-charlotterohman-rothlnuse
- Annelie Johansson Senior lecturer
- +46 470-70 84 33
- annelieejohanssonlnuse
- Annika Andersson Associate professor
- +46 470-76 74 34
- Asbjørg Westum Senior lecturer
- +46 470-76 78 82
- asbjorgwestumlnuse
- Birgitta Waters Lecturer
- +46 470-70 86 95
- +46 72-594 14 81
- birgittawaterslnuse
- Britta Malcolm Lecturer
- +46 470-70 89 02
- brittaherderlnuse
- Charlotte Hommerberg ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR
- +46 470-70 81 20
- +46 72-594 12 01
- charlottehommerberglnuse
- Christian Waldmann Associate Professor
- +46 470-70 89 43
- christianwaldmannlnuse
- Christina Rosén Senior Lecturer
- +46 470-70 88 55
- christinarosenlnuse
- Daniel Ocic Ihrmark Senior lecturer
- +46 470-76 72 03
- danielosundberglnuse
- Desirée Fristedt Lecturer
- +46 470-70 89 28
- desireefristedtlnuse
Doctoral project: Language teacher collaboration on a cross-curricular writing pedagogy in language of schooling and foreign language classrooms This project involves a collaboration between teachers…
Doctoral project: Multilingual upper secondary students’ writing in Swedish in school In the research project I explore the features of multilingual upper secondary students’ meaning making practices…
- Ewa Bergh Nestlog Professor, Vice dean
- +46 470-70 80 24
- +46 72-594 11 63
- ewaberghnestloglnuse
- Gabriel Bäck Doctoral student
- gabrielbacklnuse
- Georgina Charisis
- georginacharissislnuse
- Gilbert Ambrazaitis Associate Professor
- +46 480-44 67 25
- +46 72-594 95 56
- gilbertambrazaitislnuse
- Gisela Håkansson
- giselahakanssonlnuse
- Gudrun Svensson
- +46 470-76 75 84
- +46 72-594 16 97
- gudrunsvenssonlnuse
- Hanna Lindfors Doctoral student
- +46 470-70 84 97
- hannalindforslnuse
- Helena Karlsson Pacheco Doctoral student
- +46 470-70 89 23
- helenakarlssonpachecolnuse
- Johanna Rylner Kjellgren Lecturer
- johannarylnerkjellgrenlnuse
- Johanna Salomonsson Senior lecturer
- +46 470-76 74 30
- johannasalomonssonlnuse
- Justyna Legutko Doctoral student
- justynalegutkolnuse
- Karin Rehman Lecturer
- karinrehmanlnuse
- Kristina Danielsson Professor
- +46 470-70 85 20
- kristinadanielssonlnuse
- Madeleine Médoc
- madeleinemedoclnuse
- Malin Nelehag Lecturer
- +46 470-70 86 63
- malinnelehaglnuse
- Maria Håkansson Ramberg Senior lecturer
- mariahakanssonramberglnuse
- Maria Lindgren Senior lecturer
- +46 470-70 87 11
- +46 70-746 86 48
- marialindgrenlnuse
- Maria Valtonen Lecturer
- mariavaltonenlnuse
- Marie Källkvist Professor
- mariekallkvistlnuse
- Päivi Juvonen Professor
- +46 470-76 75 69
- paivijuvonenlnuse
- Robert Walldén Professor visiting
- +46 470-70 89 73
- robertwalldenlnuse
- Sergej Ivanov Senior lecturer
- +46 470-76 78 73
- sergejivanovlnuse
- Shirley Näslund Senior lecturer
- +46 470-76 74 35
- shirleynaslundlnuse
- Sofia Ask Senior Lecturer
- +46 470-70 89 07
- sofiaasklnuse
- Sofia Svensson Senior lecturer
- +46 470-70 85 32
- sofiasvenssonlnuse
- Solveig Hammarbäck Lecturer
- solveighammarbacklnuse
- Victoria Dryselius Lecturer
- +46 470-76 75 43
- victoriadryseliuslnuse