Effects of Criminal Policy Reforms
– A research environment funded by the Swedish Research Council: Swedish Criminal Justice Policy Action Lab (SCAL)
General information
Ulrika Ahrsjö, Olof Bäckman, Magdalena Dominguez, Hans Grönqvist, Peter Lindström, Susan Niknami, Mårten Palme
Participating Organizations
Linnaeus University, Stockholm University, London School of Economics, Stockholm School of Economics
Economics and Criminology
Swedish Research Council
Open access to resources for the general public and decision-makers
Crime and Punishment: What Works? Special issue in Ekonomisk Debatt with contributions from several of the researchers in the project. https://www.nationalekonomi.se/ed/4710
The Significance of Neighborhoods for Crime and Children's Opportunities. SNS report with contributions from several of the researchers in the project. https://www.sns.se/artiklar/bostadsomradets-betydelse-for-brottslighet-och-barns-mojligheter/
Link to the Swedish Research Council's website on the national research program on crime and the crime research. https://www.vr.se/uppdrag/framja-och-finansiera-forskning/forskning-om-brottslighet.html
Upcoming Events
2024. Conference bringing together authorities, politicians, and other stakeholders for consultation and information based on the latest criminal policy reforms. Date and location will be announced soon.
Our Research
In recent years, stricter sentences and increased resources for the police have been extensively discussed as a way to address crime in society. Several criminal justice policy reforms have been introduced (e.g., stricter penalties for serious drug offenses, violent crimes and weapon offenses, as well as longer sentences for young offenders).
These reforms contributed to the average prison sentence in Sweden increasing by approximately 50 percent since 2015 (see figure). At the same time, there is a heated debate about introducing further reforms. To what extent can these reforms contribute to reducing crime?
Methodological problems
Advocates of harsher sentences often argue that severe punishments deter crime. Opponents usually claim that strict penalties may increase crime by increasing social and economic inequalities. However, several methodological problems make it difficult to determine the effect of harsher sentences and increased police resources on crime.
For instance, society often introduces stricter sentences or increases police resources as a direct result of high levels of crime (reverse causality). Long prison sentences are also more likely to be given to individuals who already have relatively poorer prospects for rehabilitation (omitted risk factors).
These methodological problems are challenging to resolve because, in general, it is not possible to conduct randomized experiments in the same way as in fields like medicine. Although international research has made significant progress in how modern data can be used to address these difficulties, it is unclear to what extent results from other countries can be translated to the Swedish context.
Unique opportunities in Sweden
The Swedish Criminal Justice Policy Action Lab (SCAL) was created with the aim of providing expert skills to address these methodological problems with the goal of informing decision-makers about the optimal criminal justice policy to combat crime. Sweden offers unique opportunities to answer these questions through its access to rich individual-based data.
SCAL is composed of some of Sweden's most successful quantitatively oriented crime researchers. The SCAL is a cross-university and interdisciplinary research environment, which is also linked to leading crime research environments worldwide. SCAL takes advantage of the unique synergies between the fields of criminology and economics to create an environment aimed at generating research results that will transform Swedish criminal justice policy and ensure that the knowledge produced is disseminated to the surrounding society.
Ulrika Ahrsjö, postdoctoral fellow
Stockholm University
Olof Bäckman, professor
Stockholm University
Magdalena Dominguez, research economist
London School of Economics and Political Science
Hans Grönqvist, professor
Linnaeus University
Peter Lindström, professor
Linnaeus University
Susan Niknami, researcher
Stockholm University
Mårten Palme, professor
Stockholm University
Photo at the top of the page: The Swedish Prison and Probation Service