eHealth Institute
Linnaeus University researches, evaluates, educates and collaborates with the surrounding society within e-health. Read more about our program and courses, ongoing research projects and our networks of researchers in the field of e-health.
About the eHealth Institute
The e-Health Institute at Linnaeus University acts for a sound, knowledge-based use of digital technology, well-suited for its purpose, within nursing and care. We work with knowledge on how the digital technology can increase patient participation in nursing and care and make it more secure and sustainable in the long term.
The e-Health Institute is a dynamic, interdisciplinary knowledge and learning environment that offers education and seminars within e-Health. We carry out research and evaluation projects with focus on user and citizen utility. We also offer single-subject courses and a master’s programme in e-Health.
The e-Health Institute has a broad research approach – with focus on the use of medicines and the introduction of digital technology and Big Data – and collaborates with one the foremost research environments at Linnaeus University, Linnaeus University Centre for Data Intensive Sciences and Applications (DISA).
We also run several research and evaluation projects in collaboration with authorities, municipalities, county councils, companies and organizations.
Ongoing projects
Project: Experiences of digital patient history recording The scientific purpose of this project is to investigate in what way the introduction of digital anamnesis and e-triage affect the quality of…
Doctoral project: Reuse of health data, combing the best of two worlds A method for automatic generation of features with high predictive power based on domain knowledge.
Project: Prediction of medication risks and drug-related problems Medication related problems is a major problem for society, especially with an ageing population and increasing use of medicines. This…
Concluded projects
Project: Expecting a child in Arabic and Swedish! Norm-critical innovative design for interactive antenatal care Funding organisation: Vinnova Project description Conditions for health care in Sweden…
Project: Regional development in welfare technology and e-health services in cooperation (RUVeS) The project RUVeS is managed by the eHealth Institute at Linnaeus university, Sweden, in cooperation…
Seed project: Data intensive analysis for identification and prediction of risk medications The main objective for this seed project within Linnaeus University Centre for Data Intensive Sciences and…
Project: Using past data to prevent future fractures Certain types of medication increase the risk of osteoporosis and fractures. In this research project, we develop a risk assessment tool which can…
Project: eHealth Arena eHealth Arena is a combined eHealth arena for industry, health and social care, academia and the public. The Arena is a long-term investment initiated by Kalmar County Council,…
Project: Drug use in Coronary Heart Disease The project investigates how healthcare can support patients with coronary heart disease in their use of medicines, so that patients feel well today and at…
Project: Appropriate use of medicines among the elderly in Småland The overall aim with the project ”Appropriate use of medicines among the elderly in Småland” is to improve use of medicines among the…
Seed projects
DISA encourages and supports seed projects. Seed projects are intended to promote and nurture excellence research, development and innovation within data intensive sciences and applications with cross-discipline collaboration.
Seed projects at eHealth Institute
- Anna Baran Med Dr, Affiliated researcher
- annabaranlnuse
- Anna-Lena Nilsson Project manager
- +46 480-49 71 77
- +46 72-450 76 81
- anna-lenanilssonlnuse
- Clara Axelsson Project manager
- +46 480-44 64 12
- +46 72-594 98 44
- claraaxelssonlnuse
- Evalill Nilsson Senior lecture and operational manager
- +46 480-44 60 01
- +46 73-037 79 13
- evalillnilssonlnuse
- Göran Petersson Professor emeritus
- goranpeterssonlnuse
- Hanna Broberg Danielsson PhD, Affiliated researcher
- hannadanielssonlnuse
- Jean Stevenson-Ågren Senior lecturer
- +46 480-44 64 73
- jeanstevensonagrenlnuse
- Lena Fossdal Finnas Administrator
- +46 480-49 71 62
- lenafinnaslnuse
- Lina Hellström Pharm Dr, Affiliated researcher
- linahellstromlnuse
- Lina Nilsson Associate professor
- +46 480-44 63 96
- linanilssonlnuse
- Maria Qvarfordt Researcher
- +46 480-44 67 80
- mariaqvarfordtlnuse
- Martin Carlsson Med Dr, Associate professor, Affiliated researcher
- martincarlssonlnuse
- MD Shafiqur Rahman Jabin Affiliated researcher
- mdshafiqurrahmanjabinlnuse
- Nils Schönstrom Med Dr
- nilsschonstromlnuse
- Ola Nordqvist Doctoral student
- olanordqvistlnuse
- Olof Björneld Doctoral student
- ollebjorneldlnuse
- Pär Wanby Associate professor
- parwanbylnuse
- Patrick Bergman Associate professor
- +46 480-44 63 32
- patrickbergmanlnuse
- Stefan Lagrosen Professor
- +46 480-49 71 65
- +46 72-745 89 01
- stefanlagrosenlnuse
- +46 480-49 71 76
- +46 72-594 97 16
- torahammarlnuse