Environmental Geochemistry
Our research group consists of environmental scientists working with issues related to environmental geochemistry, which is the study of how chemical processes and flows in the environment are influenced by or affect humans.
Our research
A considerable part of our research is dedicated to environmental geochemistry, in which we study changes in natural systems related to human activities and, for example, how pollutants spread in the environment. Many of the geochemical processes are influenced or mediated by organisms. We investigate, for instance, the occurrence of various elements and geochemical processes in a variety of settings, including bedrock, soils, marine and coastal sediments, rivers, lakes, and groundwater.
Examples of research topics developed in our group include:
• Geochemical and biogeochemical processes in the deep subsurface, for example at the Äspö Hard Rock Laboratory, south-eastern Sweden.
• Tracing active and ancient methane production and consumption in the upper crystalline crust.
• Geochemical processes in metal contaminated soils, conditions for metal mobilization and assessment of human exposure and health risks.
• Formation of acid sulphate soils and the related leaching and dispersion of metals in water bodies.
• Effects of global warming on the pore water chemistry of marine sediments and gas hydrates reservoirs.
• Methods for reducing greenhouse gas emissions with carbon capture and storage.
Research projects
Project: Characteristics and extent of microbial anaerobic methane oxidation and sulfate reduction in the deep terrestrial subsurface over geological time scales Recent discoveries indicate that…
Project: Contamination of water resources in southern Sweden by iron and aluminium Contamination of water resources by metals is a matter of concern in areas where acid sulphate soils exist. Our…
Project: Geochemical, mineralogical, and microbiological characterization of acid sulfate soils Acid sulfate soils exist under farmland in the coastal areas and export large amounts of acidity and…
Project: Metal accumulation in the Baltic Sea sediments: implications for environmental monitoring programs and mitigation actions The load of trace metals to Baltic Sea waters and their accumulation…
Doctoral project: Microbial methane in the crust - volumes, fluxes and consequences This project investigates the rates of microbial methane formation and consumption by indigenous deep biosphere…
Project: Mobilization and redox-cycling of uranium in two boreal sulfidic landscapes The overall aim of this project is to explore and investigate the biogeochemical processes that control the…
Project: Production and consumption of the greenhouse gas methane in the crystalline bedrock This project is about formation and consumption (anaerobic oxidation) of the greenhouse gas methane in one…
“The nastiest soils on earth” are becoming a bigger problem News
Linnaeus University participating in the "North of Greenland" Expedition News
Pollutants from Old Glassworks Affect Groundwater Less Than Expected News
Marcelo is on expedition in the Atlantic Ocean to study methane gas in the ocean floor News
- Anna Augustsson Senior lecturer, head of department
- +46 480-44 62 20
- annaaugustssonlnuse
- Changxun Yu Researcher
- +46 480-44 64 05
- +46 72-594 98 43
- changxunyulnuse
- Henrik Drake Associate Professor
- +46 480-44 63 69
- henrikdrakelnuse
- Marcelo Ketzer Professor
- +46 480-44 62 55
- marceloketzerlnuse
- Mats Åström Professor
- +46 480-44 73 42
- +46 72-594 96 35
- matsastromlnuse
- Sina Shahabi Ghahfarokhi
- sinashahabighahfarokhilnuse
- Terese Uddh Söderberg Laboratory engineer
- +46 480-44 73 84
- +46 72-594 98 09
- tereseuddh-soderberglnuse