Linnaeus University Centre for Intermedial and Multimodal Studies (IMS)
The Linnaeus University Centre for Intermedial and Multimodal Studies (IMS) is an interdisciplinary research centre that takes a broad media-oriented perspective on human communication. Researchers from literature, film, art, religion, media and communication studies, linguistics, and musicology explore how media combine and are transformed with intermedial, multimodal, and communicational theories.
Research Profile
IMS research centers on intermedial and multimodal forms of meaning-making, narration, learning, and truthfulness in different media contexts, and our research is increasingly related to the societal challenges of ecological crisis, information disorder, mediation of memory, and medial literacy.
IMS works to deepen the understanding of the role of media in all forms of human communication. The centre's interdisciplinary approach brings together the adjacent fields of intermediality, multimodality, and media research.
IMS was founded in 2014 by Lars Elleström. Elleström's medial framework on media types and media modalities is influential for much ongoing research. The framework enables intermedial studies to go beyond the study of artistic media to forge connections with multimodal and media research theories and to explore the mixedness of communication across media in society.
Intermediality, Multimodality and Media Research
At IMS, we explore human communication as multimodal and intermedial. All communication needs to be physically mediated, be it by bodies, books or digital devices. All communication is multimodal, as distinct semiotic modes such as text, images, sounds, or gestures integrate in complex multimodal meaning-making processes. All communication is intermedial, as it is shaped and formed by relations across and within different media products and involves the perception and interpretation of signs across different media contexts. Multimodal simultaneity and intermedial interrelations are essential to approach the hybrid media ecology of digitized societies.
The graduate school Multimodality and Intermediality in a Digital World (MIDWorld) critically explores the mix of modes and media in our digital world as part of social, political, educational and aesthetic practices.
Meaning making, narration, learning and truthfulness across media
IMS approaches media and communication from an arts and humanities perspective. Projects explore in different ways how media and modes express human ideas, memories, and creativity. Meaning-making, narration, learning, and truthfulness, fundamental aspects of human communication, are four central trajectories that permeate IMS research.
- Meaning-making processes are informed by the multimodal integration of different resources such as colour, sound, text and the intermedial dynamic between materials, perception and interpretation. New knowledge is generated through interaction between people in a specific context. These processes can be explored in theoretical analysis and artistic research.
- Narration is a fundamental human strategy to in many areas of life. Fictive and factual narratives travel across literature, film, games, and social media platforms. Narratives create coherence and provide understanding in court trials, education, politics, and science.
- Multimodal and intermedial perspectives help to develop knowledge communication and learning in digitized society. Learning content is narrated and transformed by a mix of modes across media. Multimodal and intermedial perspectives help to develop inclusive and flexible teaching methods.
- There is an urgent need for multimodal and intermedial exploration of truthfulness in mediation. This approach helps us to address the pressing questions of fake and authentic, as well as the role of media in knowledge communication.
Research clusters: Media, modes and societal challenges
All pressing global challenges are related to media. We use media to make sense of the world and to communicate knowledge and ideas. Artists use media to push boundaries and create interventions. Transdisciplinary research clusters at IMS explore how intermedial and multimodal communication forms and shapes current social challenges.
IMS Green: Mediations of Climate and Ecological Emergency (MEDEM) Mediations of Climate and Ecological Emergency (MEDEM) is a transdisciplinary platform for research, education and action related to…
Intermediality, Multimodality and News (IMS News) This research cluster explores the role of professional journalism and news in a digitized society asking how the flexible combination of modes and…
Mediating Cultural Memory (IMS Memory) IMS Memory is a transdisciplinary research cluster dedicated to the study of the mediation of cultural memory. Bringing together research from different fields,…
Intermediality, Multimodality and Learning (IMS Literacy) This group works on intermediality and multimodality in teaching and learning. The group investigates how intermedial and multimodal knowledge…
Ongoing Research
Doctoral project: Playing Animal How are animal perspectives produced in computer games? And how does it affect the players?
Project: A model for norm-critical and inclusive multi-modal communication for users with a foreign mother tongue This project works with developing and testing a norm-creative method for making…
Project: Alternative Media Logic Alternative Media Logic examines the appeal and impact of alternative media on the Swedish media landscape and the conditions of democratic discourse. "Media logic"…
Project: Between Facts and Stories This project explores how journalistic narrative strategies convey information and provide understanding of current events. The challenges of fake news,…
Project: Communication across Media Borders: The Limitations and Possibilities of Transmediation The project investigates how meaning is changed – corrupted or enhanced – when travelling among…
Project: Crossing Narrative Boundaries: Film and the Other Media This project analyzes novel and creative approaches in film and mediality at large. We aim to contribute to the reflection on media…
Project: Future Food Cultures in the Anthropocene The dominant global diet is a major contributor to the climate crisis. A transformation faces considerable practical problems, but is also a major…
Project: Instruments of Repair Our project is about artists who place musical instruments outdoors, burning them or letting them decay in ponds, playing already abandoned instruments, and/or making…
Project: Intermedial Ecocriticism: Transmediating the Anthropocene This project responds from a humanities perspective to an urgent societal challenge: how can the Anthropocene ecological crisis be…
Project: Intermediality in the Romanian New Wave in Cinema The Romanian New Wave in Cinema consists of a number of films from 2001 onwards, forming a specific genre, whose main characteristics are raw…
Project: Learning to focus – How Stockholm and Skåne Swedish children produce and comprehend contrastive intonation Speakers make use of speech melody or intonation in order to highlight the most…
Project: Mediations of nostalgia This study is the first of its kind, investigating the aesthetic and intermedial potential of nostalgia.
Project: New Developments in Eastern European Film This project examines new developments in Eastern European film, especially what has come to be called New Romanian Cinema.
Project: Potentials for students' and teachers' meaning making through different resources This interdisciplinary project aims at attaining a deeper understanding of how content can be mediated…
Concluded Research
Doctoral project: Musicalised Characters: A study of music, multimodality, and the empiric child perspective on mainstream animation This PhD thesis discusses how music and characters in popular,…
Doctoral Project: The art of repeating oneself: Self-adaptation in the migratory context This doctoral project is a study of migrant authors who have adapted their own books into films, crossing…
Project: Cinema between Media: Intermediality and the analysis of narrative film What happens if cinema is considered to be a mixed medium? How should one approach film analysis based on…
Project: Conceptualising the Aurora: An exploration of performative understanding through interactive art This project was an artistic project based on the multimodal and interactive art installation…
Project: Expecting a child in Arabic and Swedish! Norm-critical innovative design for interactive antenatal care Funding organisation: Vinnova Project description Conditions for health care in Sweden…
Project: Gender Aspects of Screen Adaptations of the British Nineteenth-Century Female Literary Canon Contemporary popular culture is increasingly reliant on adaptation and other derivative types of…
Project: Immigration critical alternative media and public discourse. Comparing Sweden, France and Germany The aim of this research project is to outline the interplay between new and established…
Project: Information, Desinformation and Media System Change This research project aims to analyze and describe present changes in media and journalism. Given the diversity of the field, the…
Project: Intermediality as a Part of Reading Improvement Activities in Swedish Upper Secondary School The aim of the project is to improve the pupils’ reading and writing competences in upper…
Project: Luxury consumption and online reviewer discourse – the construction of knowledge, values and identities This project focuses on online reviews of luxury consumption, specifically reviews of…
Project: Multilingual students' meaning making in the school subjects biology and physics The overall purpose of the project was to attain a deeper understanding of how science content in biology and…
Project: Multispecies Storytelling in an Intermedial Perspective This environmental humanities project was done to seek new constellations inside and outside conventional academic and artistic circles…
Project: On Narratives in Criminal Trials The aim of this project is to study narratives in authentic criminal trials and also in fictional contexts where trials are described.
Project: Regpress 2 Providing quality and gaining efficiencies in regional press in the digital era.
Project: Representation of Trials in other Media In this project, we investigate how questions of truth production are mediated when trials appear in literature, film, and news media. Project time:…
Project: The Art of the Arts: Art-house Cinema Allegories of Creation as Authorial Discourse of a Coenaesthetic Intermedial Nature This research project is based on the idea that cinema is, in terms…
Project: The Cultural Heritage of Moving Images Project information Project members: Dagmar Brunow Time frame: 2016-2018 More about the project The project "The Cultural Heritage of moving images"…
Project: The Greatest Story Ever Told: Evolution’s journey across mediascapes The theory of evolution has been a scientific milestone in our understanding of humankind’s relationship to the rest of…
Project: Transformations of transformations. An interdisciplinary study of pupils' meaning-making through transformations of representations in science classes The aim of this developmental and…
Events and Calendar
IMS meets in weekly hybrid seminars and organises workshops, conferences and popular talks. You can join most events online and for free. Sign up for our email list for regular updates about IMS events.
Find more information about upcoming events in the calendar below. Full details are typically published a week before.
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Archive: Seminars and Lectures
”What is a technical medium of display?” IMS seminarie
Analyzing multimodal data using MAXQDA IMS seminarie
The 2024 Lars Elleström Guest Lecture – Miriam Vieira IMS seminarie
What are the relations between cross modal iconicity and the metaphor? IMS seminarie
Multimodality, Intermediality and Societal challenges IMS seminarie
Guest seminar: John Bateman IMS seminarie
Guest seminar: John Bateman IMS seminarie
Art, climate and community development: Meet the HULT residency fellows Ida Bencke and Kibandu Pello-Esso IMS seminar
Art, climate and community development: Meet the HULT residency fellows Ida Bencke and Kibandu Pello-Esso IMS seminar
Transmediating Authorship: Tove Jansson and Astrid Lindgren International workshop
Guest seminar: Maddalena Pennacchia IMS seminar
Guest seminar: Jason Hawreliak IMS seminar
What steers the interpretation of a visual or multimodal message? A relevance theory perspective, Charles Forceville. IMS seminar
Guest seminar: Theatre and Environment: Crisis, Society, Representation IMS seminar
Guest seminar: History Repeats Itself? Music, Memory, and the Return of the Marcoses IMS seminar
Guest seminar: The Emerging Contours IMS seminar
Digital transformations. A dynamic encounter between music, art and technology Concert
Guest seminar: Birgitte Stougaard Pedersen IMS seminar
Guest seminar: Alexandra Huang-Kokina IMS seminar
To Publish in Scientific Journals Cooperation with the Multimodal Research group Örebro IMS seminar
Elleström’s media modalities in intermedial analysis IMS seminar
Making Audible: Transmedial Perspectives on Sound and Memory in Documentary Filmmaking IMS seminar
Making Audible: Transmedial Perspectives on Sound and Memory in Documentary Filmmaking IMS seminar
Making Audible: Transmedial Perspectives on Sound and Memory in Documentary Filmmaking IMS seminar
MIDWorld: Multimodal data session IMS Seminar
Martin Knust, Music production in the countryside IMS Seminar
Guest: Alzbeta Jurkovicova, Media Integration in the Works of Tage Danielsson IMS Seminar
Guest: Tobias Pontara, The Role of Music and Sound in Audiovisually Mediated Conspiracy Theoretical Discourse IMS Seminar
Signe Kjaer Jensen & Beate Schirrmacher: Multimodality and Intermediality IMS Seminar
Eleni Timplalexi/Jørgen Bruhn on media products and Panagiotis Zestanakis on Memory in Times of Crisis IMS Seminar
Guest: Joshua Han, The social semiotics of movement and music IMS Seminar
Media and Emotional Mobilization Conference -
CANCELLED - Internal IMS seminar: Drafts day IMS Seminar
Matilda Davidsson, Midway PhD seminar IMS Seminar
Panagiotis Zestanakis, Social Memories of Economic Crises in Spain, Greece, and Argentina IMS Seminar
*POSTPONED UNTIL SPRING* - Young citizens and the quality of news IMS seminar
Internal IMS seminar on Peirce IMS Seminar
New IMS MIDWorld-PhD students - Presentation IMS Seminar
The 16th International F. Scott Fitzgerald Society Conference Conference - All day
Guest: Thomas Leitch, Six Ways of Thinking About Adaptation IMS seminar
Guest: Professor Chengzhou He, Latour’s ANT Theory, New Materialism and the Future of Intermedial Studies IMS seminar
Astrid Erll, Media, Media and Implicit Collective Memory IMS seminar
Guest: Anna Sofia Rossholm, Adaptation and authorship across film and literature: Astrid Lindgren and Stina Bergman IMS seminar
Comics, Literacy, Learning: workshop Workshop
Emilio Audissino, Gestalt Psychology and Audiovisual Humour IMS seminar
Guests: Olga Nikolaeva on Contemporary Russian Theatre and Mischa Kan on Jazz Record Covers IMS seminar
Guest:Vincent Caers, Living Scores - Intermediality in Artistic Research IMS/HFL seminar
Guest: Miriam Veira on architecture, literature and multimodal narratives IMS seminar
Guests: Professor Youngmin Kim on intermedial ecocriticism and Shuiping Zou on Jiangxi Modern Art IMS seminar
Maria Hasfeldt and Martin van der Linden, PhD presentations IMS seminar
Environmental Emergencies Across Media Conference - All day
Heidi Hart/Beate Schirrmacher, Transforming Musical Materials in the Age of Climate Crisis IMS seminar
Guests: Yikun Wu (Orlando) on The Discursive Limits of Subjectivity & Ines Tebourski on William Blake and Multimodal Analysis IMS seminar
Guest: Judith Holler, On the role of visual bodily signals in coordinating face-to-face interaction IMS seminar
Media Product and Lars Elleström's Media Model: A Critical Discussion IMS seminar
Meeting Media Minds: Marie-Laure Ryan, On the problematics of building a formal media system, or, why media drive me crazy IMS open, online lecture
CANCELLED Isak Hyltén-Cavallius & Daniel Helsing IMS seminar
Guest: Eleni Timplalexi, Challenging Key Certainties in Communication through Elleström’s Medium-centered Model IMS seminar
Guests: Birgitte Stougaard and Therese Vilmar, Rythms of Reading and Music in Literary Fiction IMS seminar
Guest: Pia Koskela, 'Karelia. A journey, two wars and the memory of a father' IMS seminar
Guest: Phil Dodds, Bråkmakargatan in Rosengård: An Intermedial Perspective on Malmö New Wave Rap IMS seminar
*CANCELLED* Meeting Media Minds: Irina Rajewsky IMS open, online lecture
Kristoffer Holt: 'Young citizens and the quality of news' IMS seminar
Guest: Anne Gjelsvik, Voices over Images: On voice-over in fiction films IMS seminar
Guest: Richard Grusin, Arboreal Imaginings: Trees, Technics, Mediation IMS seminar
Meeting Media Minds: João Queiroz, Intermediality and intersemiotic translation on self-inspection — 'process-regulated models' IMS open, online lecture
Guest: Gibran de Souza, Literary Interpretations of Music: Verbal Music, Ekphrasis of Music and Beyond HFL/IMS seminar
Guests: Shannon Wells-Lassagne & Candice Lemaire, 'Borders of/in adaptation' IMS seminar
IMSmemory Inaugural Workshop IMSmemory Workshop
John Bateman, The Mutual Complementarity of Lars Elleström’s Model of Intermediality and Current Approaches to Multimodality IMS open, online lecture
Guest: Maddalena Carfora, Playing Wonderland Crossmedia Escape Room IMS seminar
Meeting Media Minds: Kamilla Elliott, Lars Elleström and Bottom-up Categorization IMS open, online lecture
Matilda Davidsson: Dissertation Plan IMS seminar
Guest: Nicolai Skiveren, Screening Waste: An Empirical Reception Study of the Environmental Documentary Plastic China IMS seminar
Guest presentations: 'Storytelling in Rock Art' and 'The Narrative Turn in Prehistoric Image-Making in Northern Europe' IMS seminar
Thomas Leitch, 'How to Succeed in Intermediality Without Really Being Lars Elleström' IMS open, online lecture
Cancelled! Signe Jensen: 'Sound and Music in Animation' IMS seminar
Beate Schirrmacher & Nafiseh Mousavi: “Truth Claims Across Media” IMS seminar
Mieke Bal, 'Citational Aesthetics: for Intermediality as Interrelation' IMS open, online lecture
Guest speaker: Friederike Wißmann IMS seminar
Kay O'Halloran, 'Everything is Intermedial' IMS open, online lecture
Signe Jensen, Research application IMS seminar
Guest: Giulia Bigongiari, 'The second view: sympathy beyond visuality in literature' IMS seminar
Intermediality and Teaching: A one-day symposium IMS Symposium
Climate Emergency Studies - Jørgen Bruhn, Ola Ståhl, Niklas Salmose IMS seminar
W.J.T. Mitchell, 'From Iconology to Media Aesthetics' IMS open, online lecture
Internal workshop on popular-scientific communication IMS seminar
Signe Kjaer Jensen, book proposal + internal workshop IMS seminar
Between fact and story: characteristics of sustainable journalistic narration? Conference
Manmade and Media-borne: the Ecological Crisis across Media Seminar
Guest talk: From Lab Rat to Lab Art: Ecopoetics in the Laboratory Seminar
"Intermedial Studies" - book release! IMS Book release
"Låt Donald Trump uttrycka dina känslor! GIFS i sociala medier" IMS "Media Impact" Popular Talk
The Visual Culture of Migration Online Seminar
*Cancelled* Pernilla Severson, title TBA IMS seminar
Linnéuniversitetet Live: Hur fungerar medier? Linnéuniversitet Live
Workshop on research applications 2 IMS seminar
The sound of Elsa - Att höra “Let it Go” med barnens öron Media Impact - IMS popular talks
Beate Schirrmacher 'A Story Too Good to Be True: Manipulation of Truth Claims in Faked News' IMS seminar
Guest: Emilio Audissino, on Film/Music analysis IMS seminar
Difficult heritage and conflicting memories: Perspectives on troubled pasts Online Seminar
Guest: Nina Grønlykke Mollerup, "Well, Assad is still there…' - Violence, temporality and images for elsewhen" IMS seminar
Carrying stories across borders: migration in, with, and across media Zoom Webinar
Erik Erlanson on "Aesthetic Uses of Nature in Sweden 1900-1970" IMS seminar
Public defence in Comparative Literature: Signe Kjaer Jensen Public defence
Workshop on research applications IMS seminar
Lars Elleström: “Media Translation and Media Transformation” IMS Seminar
Virtually Alive: How Video Games Make Evolution Playable Webinar: IMS Media Impact Series
Guest: Alžbeta Jurkovičová - 'Media Integration in the Works of Tage Danielsson' IMS Seminar
Guest: Sarah Mygind, “Cluster Works: Children’s Literature in Transmedia Motion” IMS Seminar
"You didn't see that coming!" How to tackle breaks of expectation with poetry Webinar: IMS - Media Impact series
Nafiseh Mousavi: “Non-human in refugee narratives,” post-doc research application in-progress IMS Seminar
Beate Schirrmacher: Collaboration with the surrounding society IMS Seminar
Signe Jensen: Final seminar, "Musicalized Characters: A study of music, multimodality, and the empiric child perspective on mainstream animation" IMS Seminar
Guest: Li Ling Siew "A Multimodal Critical Discourse Analysis of Political Visual Arts of Civil Disobedience Movement in Hong Kong" IMS Seminar
Guest: Jamie Sherry “Closing Visual Codas: Infidelities, Diversions and Radical Practices in Adaptations” IMS Seminar
Gilbert Ambrazaitis: Audiovisual prominence perception IMS Seminar
Public defence in Comparative Literature: Nafiseh Sadat Mousavi Public defence
"Trust Me!" Truthfulness and Truth Claims across Media Conference -
Guest: Ari Nykvist, "Transmedia journalism as workflow in newsrooms" IMS Seminar
Dagmar Brunow: “Towards an archival study of screenplay versions: the role of screenwriting research for adaptation studies” IMS Seminar
Guest: Eleni Timplalexi, "The transmedial journey of theatre performance going massively online during the COVID-19 pandemic: towards new intermedial forms of expression" IMS Seminar
Discussions of research applications - CANCELLED IMS Seminar
Guest Speaker: Andrea Virginás, 'Screens as places of intermediality and intercultural clash' IMS seminar
Public defence in Comparative Literature: Letícia Vitral Public defence
Public defence in Comparative Literature: Pedro Atã Public defence
Beate Schirrmacher, 'How Do We Know it’s True? Fake(d) news and the truth claims of news media' IMS seminar
Guest Speaker: Janneke Schoene, 'Transmediations. Audio guides for visually impaired visitors in art museums' IMS Seminar
Admeire Santos - Brazilian Animation Film: Cultural warrant and the indexing method IMS seminar
Discussions of Research Applications IMS seminar
Multimodality of Translanguaging and Translation in Migration IMS seminar
IMS Seminar: Lars Elleström, 'Symbolicity' IMS seminar
Guest Presenter: Andrea Pócsik - "The Intermediality of the Peter Forgacs Holdings at Blinken Open Society Archive" IMS seminar
Disruptive Discourse: Metanoic Reflexivity in Contemporary Rhetoric IMS seminar
Key Dimensions of Alternative News Media IMS seminar
Presentations of research ideas. IMS seminar
Final seminar: Nafiseh Mousavi IMS seminar
Letícia Vitral: Final seminar IMS: Final Seminar
Guest: Thomas Leitch - "Escapism vs. Analysis: Some Ways of Discussing Our Immersion in Fictional Storyworlds" IMS Seminar, invited speaker
Pedro Atá: Final seminar IMS: Final Seminar
Guest presenter: Ana-Bianca Tudorica -Understanding the Relation Between Art and Science IMS Seminar
Medial Conditions for Social Bonding in Singing IMS Seminar
Modes of engagement: children's differing understandings of, and aesthetic involvement with, musicalized characters IMS Seminar
Erik Erlanson: "The aesthetic and the semiotic in relation to Erich Hörl’s notion of the techonological displacement of sense" IMS Seminar
Syngué Sabour; The Patience Stone as novel and film: networks of adaptation in mapping out a collective self IMS Seminar
Guest presenter: Heidi Hart - "Sonic decay: Un-tuning in the age of climate crisis" IMS Seminar, invited speaker
IMS Seminar: Diskussions of Research Applications IMS Seminar
Intermedial and Multimodal Approaches to Wagner´s 'Ride of the Valkyries' IMS Seminar
Mediating Information: Technologies of Office Work and Media Historical Change IMS Seminar
Language and Law in Research, Education and Practice Konferens -
European Researchers’ Night: Fifty shades of modern media
Sounds of Mass Media: Music in Journalism and Propaganda -
Fifty Shades of the Modern Media European Researchers' Night
Explore the Outdoors in an Eco-Writing Workshop Workshop
The Anthropocene as a mediated fact? How can we understand – and perhaps act upon – climate change? Open Seminar
Elite eats: Multimodality, materiality and the discursive production of privilege
Inspired by Duccio's Altarpiece and Bach's Passions: Frank Martin's violin concerto Polyptyque Open Lecture
Intermedial and Multimodal Studies Seminar 6/7 2017
Intermedial and Multimodal Studies (IMS) Seminar
"... that's not even a math symbol; that's Charlie Brown's hair!": The radical multimodality of everyday communications Open lecture
Intermedial and Multimodal Studies (IMS) seminar
Intermedial and Multimodal Studies (IMS) Seminar
Intermedial and Multimodal Studies (IMS) Seminar
Intermedial and Multimodal Studies (IMS) Seminar
Intermedial and Multimodal Studies (IMS) Seminar
Intermedial and Multimodal Studies (IMS) Seminar
Intermedial and Multimodal Studies (IMS) Seminar
Intermedial and Multimodal Studies (IMS) Seminar
Intermedial and Multimodal Studies (IMS) Seminar
Intermedial and Multimodal Studies (IMS) Seminar
Intermedial and Multimodal Studies (IMS) Seminar
Intermedial and Multimodal Studies (IMS) Colloquium -
Intermedial and Multimodal Studies (IMS) Seminar
Intermedial and Multimodal Studies (IMS) Seminar
Intermedial and Multimodal Studies (IMS) Seminar Seminar
Intermedial and Multimodal Studies (IMS) Seminar Seminar
Intermedial and Multimodal Studies (IMS) Planning Session Planning Session
Intermedial and Multimodal Studies (IMS) Seminar Seminar
Intermedial and Multimodal Studies (IMS) Seminar Seminar
Intermedial and Multimodal Studies (IMS) Seminar Seminar
Past Conferences and Workshops
Conference: Intermedial Networks: The Digital Present and Beyond. The 7th Conference of the International Society for Intermedial Studies. October 23-25.
Conference programme.
Workshop: Transmediating Authorship. Tove Jansson and Astrid Lindgren. June 12.
Workshop: Comics och lärande. May 16.
Concert: Digital transformations. A dynamic encounter between music, art and technology. March 12.
Conference: Media and Emotional Mobilization, 12-13 October.
Conference programme.
Workshop: Comics literacy and learning. May 4.
Seminar and Concert: Living scores. Intermediality and artistic research. April 12.
Conference: Environmental Emergencies Across Media, March 16-18.
Conference programme.
Open lecture Series: Meeting Media Minds – Critical Legacies of Lars Elleström. (publication Future Directions in Intermediality and Multimodality: Conversations Inspired by the Work of Lars Elleström, forth 2024).
Wonderland Escape Room. European Researcher’s Night, Sept 22.
Teaching Intermediality March 23.
- Conference: "Trust Me!" Truthfulness and Truth Claims across Media", 9-12 March, 2021.
- Workshop: "Från bok till film: Utvandrarna och Aniara." (about screenwriting, screenplay development, and adaptations).
- Workshop: “Mediation, transmediation and truthfulness II”, 20 Nov, 2019.
- Symposium: Performativity across Media, 3-4 October 2019
- Conference: Sounds of Mass Media: Music in Journalism and Propaganda, 7-9 June 2019, Eleventh meeting of the International Musicological Society (IMS) Study Group Music and Media (MaM)
- Workshop: “Mediation, transmediation and truthfulness I”, 30 Jan, 2019
- Conference: Multispecies Storytelling in Intermedial Practices, 23-25 January 2019
- Workshop: Interrelations among different forms of human communication, 29-31 October 2018
- Conference: Symbiotic Cinema, Confluences between film and other Media, 6-8 September 2018, 24th Sercia Conference
- Workshop: “Transmedial Narration: Current Approaches” with Jan Noël Thon, 11 April, 2018.
- Conference: Transmediations! Communication across Media Borders13-15 October 2016
- Conference: Disturbing Adaptations, 26-27 September 2013, The 8thAnnual Conference of the Association of Adaptation Studies
- Symposium: New Positions in Adaptation Studies, 8 February 2012
- Conference: Transmedial Interaction: Western/non-Western Media Arts, 8-10 December 2011
- Symposium: Eighth International Symposium on Iconicity in Language and Literature, 16-18 June 2011
- Symposium: Adaptation and Media Transformations, 13–14 May 2011
- Symposium: Narration as a Transmedial Phenomenon, 11–12 March 2011
- Symposium: Virtual Space and Time, 8-9 October 2010
- Conference: Childhood and Postcolonialism Symposium, 15-16 December 2009
- Symposium: Bachtin and Intermediality, 3-4 December 2009
- Conference: Academic Perspectives on Comics, Manga & Graphic Novels, as Intercultural & Intermedial Phenomena, 16–18 April 2009
- Conference: Astrid Lindgren: Internationality and Intermediality, 18-20 September 2008
- Conference: In Frost and in Cold: Nordic Ballad Meeting – Conference for Researchers, Practitioners and Teachers, 26-29 March 2008
- Conference: Imagine Media! Media Borders and Intermediality, 25–28 October 2007
- Conference: Bodies – Arts – Crossroads: The Body and Intermediality, 27–30 October 2005, The 7th NorSIS Conference
Open Lecture Series: Meeting Media Minds – Critical Legacies of Lars Elleström
Following Lars Elleström's death in December 2021, we launched a series of online lectures with international scholars to commemorate his work. The invited speakers were asked to talk about and discuss one of Lars Elleström’s concepts in relation to their own work. The lectures will be published in an anthology in due time.
New book aims to be the standard work in intermediality research News
Unique conference on media, emotions and conspiracy theories brought together researchers from around the world News
Four new graduate schools in the humanities and social sciences News
Seven new PhD students in Global Humanities News
‘Star Wars’ composer John Williams brought classical Hollywood music back to life News
SEK 15 million from Formas to five researchers at Linnaeus University News
Two cutting-edge research centres get continued funding News
Full IMS Members: Contact Details and Links to Staff Pages
- Gilbert Ambrazaitis Associate Professor
- +46 480-44 67 25
- +46 72-594 95 56
- gilbertambrazaitislnuse
- Emilio Audissino Associate professor
- +46 480-44 63 13
- emilioaudissinolnuse
- Jørgen Bruhn Professor
- jorgenbruhnlnuse
- Dagmar Brunow Professor
- +46 470-76 78 41
- dagmarbrunowlnuse
- Gunilla Byrman Senior professor
- +46 470-70 84 14
- gunillabyrmanlnuse
- Helene Ehriander Professor
- +46 470-70 86 94
- heleneehrianderlnuse
- Erik Erlanson Associate senior lecturer
- +46 470-76 72 49
- erikerlansonlnuse
- Nina Ernst Senior lecturer
- +46 470-76 72 53
- ninaernstlnuse
- Anne Holm Senior lecturer
- +46 470-76 78 54
- anneholmlnuse
- Kristoffer Holt Professor
- +46 480-49 70 22
- kristofferholtlnuse
- Martin Knust Associate professor
- +46 470-70 86 37
- martinknustlnuse
- Liviu Lutas Professor
- +46 470-76 78 59
- liviulutaslnuse
- Corina Löwe Associate Professor, pro dean
- +46 470-70 89 26
- corinalowelnuse
- Niklas Salmose Professor
- +46 470-70 82 82
- niklassalmoselnuse
- Beate Schirrmacher ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR
- +46 470-70 88 41
- beateschirrmacherlnuse
Affiliated Researchers
- Per Bäckström Employee paid by the hour
- perbackstromlnuse
- Renaud de La Brosse Professor
- +46 480-49 70 24
- +46 72-561 21 30
- renauddelabrosselnuse
- Kristina Danielsson Professor
- +46 470-70 85 20
- kristinadanielssonlnuse
- Annelie Ekelin Senior lecturer, head of department
- +46 480-49 77 32
- +46 73-036 27 81
- annelieekelinlnuse
- Signe Kjaer Jensen
- signekjaerjensenlnuse
- Ewa Bergh Nestlog Professor, Vice dean
- +46 470-70 80 24
- +46 72-594 11 63
- ewaberghnestloglnuse
- +46 470-70 89 04
- andersaberglnuse
PhD Students
- Yagmur Atlar Doctoral student
- yagmuratlarlnuse
- Matilda Davidsson Doctoral student
- matildadavidssonlnuse
- Emma Flodqvist Doctoral student
- emmaflodqvistlnuse
- Maria Hasfeldt Long Doctoral student
- mariahasfeldtlnuse
- Anna Ishchenko Doctoral student
- +46 470-70 87 33
- annaishchenkolnuse
- Martin van der Linden Doctoral student
- martinvanderlindenlnuse
- Felicia Stenberg Doctoral student
- +46 470-70 86 92
- feliciastenberglnuse
- Saana Sutinen Doctoral student
- +46 470-70 82 97
- saanasutinenlnuse
Guest Researchers and Postdocs
- Luca Diani (Guest PhD 2024)
- Alexandra Huang-Kokina (Guest reseacher 2024)
- Panagiotis Zestanakis (Marie Curie postdoc 2023-)
- Yikun Wu (External postdoc 2023)
- Xiaoshang Shuiping (Guest researcher 2023)
- Heidi Hart (Guest researcher 2023)
- Young Min Kim (Visiting Professor 2023)
- Anne Gjelsvik (Lars Elleström Guest Researcher 2022)
- Gibran de Souza (Guest PhD 2022)
- Giulia Bigongiari (Guest PhD 2022)
- Maddalena Carfora (Guest PhD 2022)
- Elena Timplalexi (Guest Researcher 2021)
- Péter Makai (External postdoc 2018-2020)
- Emma Tornborg (Associated researcher and postdoc 2015-2020)
- Lea Wierød (External postdoc 2018-2020)
- Mieke Bal (Visiting Professor 2019)
- Fátima Chinita (External postdoc 2015-2019)
- Ania Gutowska (Marie Curie postdoc 2017-2019)
- Rong Ou (External postdoc 2019)
- Ana Munari (External postdoc 2018)
IMS Expert Panel
IMS has arrangements with several external, internationally acknowledged scholars, referred to as our 'expert panel', working within a range of disciplines of relevance to the developing fields of intermediality and multimodality.
The individual members of the expert panel are for example called upon as advisors when new IMS-founding applications have to be developed, or as guest presenters at our IMS seminars, doctoral courses and internal colloquiums and research workshops.
- Ágnes Pethö: Professor of Film Studies, Sapientia University
- Anne Gjelsvik: Professor of Film Studies, Norwegian University of Science and Technology
- Asbjørn Grønstad: Professor, Department of Information Science and Media Studies, University of Bergen
- Bridgette Wessels: Professor in the Sociology of Inequalities (Sociology), University of Glasgow
- Carey Jewitt: Professor of Learning and Technology, University College London
- Chiel Kattenbelt: Associate Professor, Department of Media and Culture Studies, Universiteit Utrecht
- Christina Ljungberg: Titularprofessorin für Englische und Amerikanische Literaturwissenschaft, University of Zurich
- Claus Clüver: Professor Emeritus of Comparative Literature
- Crispin Thurlow: Professor of Language and Communication, University of Bern
- Irina Rajewsky: Professor of Comparative Literature, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz
- Jana Holšánová: Associate Professor in Cognitive Science, Lund University
- Jens Schröter: Professor, Medienkulturwissenschaft, Lehrstuhl der Universität Bonn
- João Queiroz: Professor, Institute of Arts and Design, Federal University of Juiz de Fora
- John A. Bateman: Professor of Applied Linguistics at the University of Bremen
- Kamilla Elliot: Professor of Literature and Media, Lancaster University
- Katherine Hayles: James B. Duke Distinguished Professor Emerita of Literature, Duke Trinity College of Arts & Sciences
- Kay O'Halloran: Chair Professor and Head of Department of Communication and Media, University of Liverpool
- Klaus Bruhn Jensen: Professor, Department of Communication, University of Copenhagen
- Marie-Laure Ryan: Literary scholar and critic
- Masako Hiraga: Professor of Linguistics, Rikkyo University
- Mieke Bal: Cultural theorist and critic, Video artist
- Morten Kyndrup: Professor, School of Communication and Culture - Aesthetics and Culture, Aarhus University
- Pentti Haddington: Professor of English Philology, University of Oulu
- Siglind Bruhn: Musicologist
- Sigrid Norris: Professor of Multimodal (Inter)action, Auckland University of Technology
- Thomas Leitch: Professor of English, Unidel Andrew B. Kirkpatrick Chair in Writing, University of Delaware
- W. J. T. Mitchell: Gaylord Donnelley Distinguished Service Professor, Department of English, Department of Art History, Department of Visual Arts, The University of Chicago
- Werner Wolf: Professor, Chair of English and General Literature, University of Graz
- Yvonne Spielmann: Professor, Institute of Professional Development
Recent Publications
All Publications
- Open-access publications available in DiVA (un-published conference papers excluded). The majority of our open-access publications are to be found here.
- Additional open-access publications available externally to DiVA. A few open-access publications are not uploaded to DiVA, but can be found here instead.
- Publications in English (un-published conference papers excluded).
- All publications and conference papers in English.
- All publications and conference papers in all languages.
Marie-Curie Post-doc Application Workshop
Come to IMS with a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Individual Fellowships (MSCA-IF)
If you work within the research areas of intermediality, multimodality or related fields and are interested in spending one or two years as a researcher at the Linnaeus University Centre for Intermedial and Multimodal Studies (IMS), you are welcome to submit a proposal for participating in a workshop at Linnaeus University, Sweden.
The CFP to the workshops open approximately six months prior to the MSCA-IF deadline and will be posted below when active.
The workshop and ensuing contacts with our Grants and Innovation Office (GIO) should lead to an application for funding from MSCA-IF, allowing you to fulfil a research project and participate in the IMS activities.
Read more about the Marie Skłodowska-Curie programme at Linnaeus University here.
Read the current call for Expressions of Interest programme for Marie Skłodowska-Curie Action - Postdoctoral Fellowships (MSCA-PF) 2023 here.
Research Visits
The Linnaeus University Centre for Intermedial and Multimodal Studies (IMS) welcomes guest researchers from the Humanities and Social Sciences focusing on different topics relevant to the larger fields of intermediality and multimodality. Via our guest researcher program, it is possible to visit the Centre for a period of between two weeks and three months, and vi invite scholars from all over the world and at all career levels, from PhD candidates to full professors, to contact us about entering the program.
The aim of the guest researcher program is to establish or develop joint research activities between IMS researchers and other Swedish or international scholars. Scholars who are accepted to the guest program will be expected to participate in the activities of the Centre and its research clusters, primarily by presenting at and participating in our regular seminars, but also by being a part of workshops and other activities that might take place. Priority will be given to guest researchers whose work is of high relevance to the Centre and its members.
Scholars who are interested in visiting IMS as guest researchers should preferably be sponsored by an IMS member with whom he or she would like to collaborate. When such a collaboration is possible, the application for a guest researcher visit should be submitted by the IMS researcher in question. Sponsored applications for guest researcher visits can be submitted by a member of the Centre at any time during the year and are normally processed within two months. As an alternative to a sponsored application (where no direct collaboration is possible but a visit can still be mutually beneficial, e.g. for PhD students), an inquiry may be sent to the Director of IMS, Jørgen Bruhn.
The guest researcher positions are non-salaried and presuppose that the visiting researcher has a salary or bursary from his or her home institution. The Centre provides office space and access to the research activities of the Centre: the university library services will be available, too. In special cases, the Centre can provide basic accommodation and funds to cover travel and extra living expenses during the guest research visit.
For more information about the application procedure and conditions for the guest researcher program, please contact the Centre’s Administration Officer Helena Rydén (
PhD Studies and Graduate Schools
IMS runs the interdisciplinary graduate school MIDWorld in collaboration with the Centre for Research in the Humanities and the research team in Multimodal Communication at Örebro University. The interdisciplinary graduate school MIDWorld provides emerging researchers in the Humanities theories and methods to critically analyse the mix of modes and media in our digital world.
IMS is collaborating with the research school The Future of Democracy: Cultural Analyses of Illiberal Populism in Times of Crises (FUDEM), a multi-disciplinary environment in which junior and senior researchers in cultural studies, ethnology, gender studies, and musicology are doing research on the variety of cultural forms in which illiberal populism reveals itself in times of crises. The researchers and PhD students are located at six Swedish universities: Linnæus University, Linköping University, Lund University, Södertörn University, University of Gothenburg and Uppsala University. FUDEM is financially supported by the Swedish Research Council.
New Master programme: Media Cultures - Intermedial and Multimodal Studies
The Master programme, 120 credits, offers a broad media-oriented perspective on questions of narration, meaning making, learning, and truthfulness in art and communication. We welcome students from all over the world and from diverse backgrounds. The programme is offered online (distance learning) and on campus simultaneously. Several of the courses in the programme combine an intermedial or multimodal perspective with different media. The aim is for you to develop knowledge of relevant, intermedial and multimodal theories and methods, primarily within the fields included in the intermedial research centre (IMS) at the faculty.
Read more about the distance version here.
Read more about the campus version here.
Other Courses and Programmes at Bachelor and Master Levels
If you wish to take an undergraduate or graduate course with us, you can see a list of current and upcoming courses with intermedial or multimodal perspectives taught in another language than Swedish (mainly English) below. Some courses are distance courses with no mandatory on-campus meetings and can be studied from abroad.
For information about courses taught in Swedish, please see our Swedish page.
Relevant links:
- For more information about distance courses, click here.
- For questions about applying for courses in Sweden, please see the University Admissions website, mainly this page with guides and resources, and this FAQ.
- For general information about studying at Linnaeus University, please click here.
Media Cultures: Intermedial and Multimodal Studies, Master ProgrammeProgramme 120 credits
- Autumn 2025
- Växjö
- Campus
- Master’s level
- Full-time
Media Cultures: Intermedial and Multimodal Studies, Master ProgrammeProgramme 120 credits
- Autumn 2025
- Distance learning
- Master’s level
- Full-time
The comics medium – intermedial and multimodal aspectsCourse 15 credits
- Spring 2025
- Växjö
- Distance learning
- Master’s level
- Half-time
- 4LI007
Media Relations: Literature, Comics, Film and ArtCourse 7.5 credits
- Autumn 2025
- Växjö
- Campus
- Bachelor’s level
- Half-time
- 1LI157
English Language and Literature, Master ProgrammeProgramme 120 credits
- Autumn 2025
- Växjö
- Campus
- Master’s level
- Full-time
English Language and Literature, Master ProgrammeProgramme 120 credits
- Autumn 2025
- Distance learning
- Master’s level
- Full-time
French. Intermediality in LiteratureCourse 7.5 credits
- Autumn 2025
- Distance learning
- Master’s level
- One-quarter-time
- 4FR011
Mojo - mobile journalismCourse 7.5 credits
- Spring 2025
- Distance learning
- Bachelor’s level
- Half-time
- 1MP170
Harry Potter and His WorldsCourse 7.5 credits
- Autumn 2025
- Växjö
- Campus
- Bachelor’s level
- Half-time
- 1LI153
Digital NarrativeCourse 15 credits
- Spring 2025
- Växjö
- Distance learning
- Master’s level
- Half-time
- 4EN020
Digital NarrativeCourse 15 credits
- Spring 2025
- Växjö
- Campus
- Master’s level
- Half-time
- 4EN020
Intermedial ecocriticismCourse 15 credits
- Spring 2025
- Växjö
- Campus
- Master’s level
- Half-time
- 4EN015
Intermedial ecocriticismCourse 15 credits
- Spring 2025
- Växjö
- Distance learning
- Master’s level
- Half-time
- 4EN015
Climate Emergency Studies: IntroductionCourse 15 credits
- Autumn 2025
- Växjö
- Distance learning
- Master’s level
- Full-time
- 4LI100
Academic Collaboration Partners
Within Linnaeus University
- Center for Studies in Popular Culture (PoCuS) |
- Fojo Media Institute
- Research environment: A Challenged Democracy
- Research environment: Digital Transformations
Within Europe
- University of Edinburgh. Intermediality: Literature, Film and the Arts in Dialogue
- University of Liège. CIPA - Centre Interdisciplinaire de Poétique Appliquée.
- Literature Among Media, Aarhus University
- Finnish Centre of Excellence in Research on Intersubjectivity in Interaction, University of Helsinki
- Nordic Network for Literature and Mediality
- Opera in Scandinavia, Sibelius Academy
- Institut für Kirchenmusik und Musikwissenschaft, University of Greifswald
Musik und Gender, Hochschule für Theater, Musik und Medien, Hanover - Research Group in Media Studies, Jan-Noël Thon as Chair, University of Tübingen
- Music and Media, International Musicological Society, Utrecht University
- The RECODE Team, University of Sheffield
- Metaphors in end-of-life care (MELC), Lancaster University
- Research group in Intermediality, Agnes Pethö as Chair, Sapientia University
- Research group in Film and Intermediality, Claudiu Turcus as Chair, Babes-Bolyai University
- The Frankfurt Memory Studies Platform
- Multimodalitätsforschung in Bremen - Universität Bremen (
- Journalistisches Seminar Mainz (
- Department for Music and Theatre Studies, Maseno University
- National Institute of Education, Nanayang Technological University
- Iconicity research group, Federal University of Juiz de Fora
- Iconicity in Language and Literature
- Inter-Disciplinary.Net
- International Society for the Study of Self Injury
- Screenwriting Research Network
- Word and Music Association Forum
IMS Research at a Glance
Researcher Interviews
IMS Research and Society is a series of ultra-short interviews originally published on Facebook. The intention behind the series has been to provide a quick entry point into what we are doing in IMS and why we are doing it. Please note that not all interviews below are part of the original series.
The interviews are centred around three questions:
- what the research is about
- why the research is important
- how it engages with challenges in society