Linnaeus University Language Processing Lab (LiLa Lab)

Linnaeus University Language Processing Lab (LiLa Lab) was opened in 2019. The ambition of the lab is partly to create opportunities for research-related education, partly to develop new research areas.

LiLa – an arena for novel research

The Department of the Swedish Language opened Linnaeus University Language Processing Lab (LiLa Lab) in 2019 as an accessible infrastructure where students and researchers can perform instrumental research focused on language processing. LiLa provides opportunities for a research-related education and to develop new research areas. Our focus is to engage students in new types of empirical research and initiate new research collaborations at Linnaeus University.

Below, please find more information about LiLa’s equipment and how it can be used. We also present planned workshops and other opportunities to learn how to handle the equipment and how to analyze data that can be collected with the equipment. You'll also learn how to proceed if you would like to develop a project using LiLa, which projects have used or are using LiLa right now, and much more.

FILM: Presentation of LiLa Lab and our equipment.


Workshops and education

Workshops and education are planned upon requests and needs. That is, if you are interested in knowing more about, for example, how to use some of LiLa's equipment, set up experiments, or analyze data, please contact Annika Andersson or Gilbert Ambrazaitis so that a workshop pertaining to your needs is developed and other interested parties can be invited.


During spring 2024, we offer the course Akustisk fonetik och talanalys: En introduktion for doctoral students. The course covers the basics of acoustic phonetics and acoustic patterns of speech sounds in the waveform and the spectrogram. The participants will use the speech analysis tool Praat to segment the speech signal and perform acoustic measurements. Praat script will be used to automate measurements and create illustrations.

The course is open to doctoral students at both Linnaeus University and other universities – as well as senior staff. The last day of registration is 23 February. The course starts 4 March. Contact: Gilbert Ambrazaitis.

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During the spring semester 2021, we gave the course Psycholinguistics: From EEG to ERP – methodology and theory (course description in Swedish, PDF file), 7,5 credits, 50 % study pace, for doctoral students and other researchers. The course is suitable for those who want to set up an own study using ERP and those who want to have a better understanding of articles describing results from ERP studies. Every other lecture features theory and every other laborations, where you  practice how to use the equipment and handle EEG data.

Contact Annika Andersson to learn more or to register your interest in taking the course. Note that the course only runs those semesters when there is a sufficiently large interest.


LiLa Lab is situated on the basement floor in building H in Växjö; entrance Universitetsplatsen 1. The lab features various advanced resources for research focused on language processing.


Are you interested in setting up a project in LiLa Lab?

Using the link below, you can enter information about the project you want to perform, such as type of activity, time period and the desired equipment. Fill in the information and click Submit, and we will contact you later on.

Application to carry out a project in LiLa Lab.

Are you interested in participating in a study in LiLa Lab?

We constantly look for participants for the experiments and studies that are carried out in LiLa Lab. Using the link below, you can register your interest and we will contact you when your background fits into a study that is to be carried out.

Application to take part in a study in LiLa Lab.


Annika Andersson is acting director of LiLa Lab.