Linnaeus University Systems Community (LNU-STC)
Linnaeus University Systems Community emphasizes Systems Thinking in research, education and practice. The community is part of the Linnaeus Knowledge Environment Digital Transformations.
Our research
The world we live in is complex, dynamic, unpredictable and in a constant changing flux. As humans, however, we tend to think linear, structured, problem-solving and simplified.
To manage the world and its dynamic complexity, and to create awareness of how we think that the world works, Systems Thinking is needed. Systems Thinking is a way of thinking about how we think: we can go in depth, discover underlying structures and patterns, and work with mental models. Our work with Systems Thinking at Linnaeus University Systems Community (LNU-STC) is within research, education and practice.
A holistic perspective
Society and business face new challenges and opportunities where digital, social, economical, environmental and political factors contribute to unforeseen complexity and multidimensional problems. With Systems Thinking we can achieve a holistic perspective and identify synergies and emergent properties that we cannot achieve with a linear mechanical thinking. We can gain an understanding of what is complex, dynamic and/or chaotic.
Systems Thinking can be seen as a number of skills to:
- Explore boundaries about who/what is inside or outside "project" boundaries,
- Map connections and relationships.
- Appreciate multiple perspectives.
- Understand how systems work as complex wholes.
At LNU-STC, we work with methods, methodologies and ideas needed to deal with the complexity we face. We apply Systems Thinking in several areas, with the main focus on digitization and digital transformation.
Examples of areas where we use Systems Thinking:
- Education
- E-health
- Digital business models
- Information-intensive organizations
- IT management and information security
Systems Thinking can be applied to all areas, subjects and situations where there are several actors, different perspectives, rapid changes, challenges and opportunities. With Systems Thinking, it is possible to map, analyze and work with increased insight and understanding – we can work with different purposes such as sustainability and viability, project management, innovation processes, organizational design and development, evaluation and future opportunities, to name a few. Systems Thinking enables us to focus on a meta-level that can contribute to a holistic perspective for a sustainable future, regardless of industry, sector or area.
Ongoing research projects
Doctoral project: Digitalization of Business Model This project is about developing a business model for omnichannel retailing. Global competition in highly dynamic retail markets demands firms to…
Doctoral project: How to Secure Multi-Vendor Data Flow Oriented Environments with ICT Governance and Systems Thinking This doctoral project consists of two parts: One ongoing licentiate thesis…
Project: Edutain The projects aim at incorporating emergent technologies such as Augmented Reality (AR) in schools to achieve sustainable learning experience. Also, this project will enable…
Project: Forest 4.0 The objective of the Forest 4.0 project is to establish a Centre of Excellence (CoE) to transform the forest environment monitoring, data acquisition, and analysis. The aim is to…
Project: International visiting professor of Systems Thinking for Sustainability This project features a two-year position as visiting professor of systems thinking for sustainability. It aims at…
Project: The development and implementation of PhD curricula in ICT for Kosovo (DI-PHDICTKES) Kosovo’s lack of an ICT PhD program limits involvement on the international stage in academic and industry…
More about our research
See videos about us and our research in our channel at LnuPlay.
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LNU-STC's blog
- Master courses in information systems
- Master courses in educational technology
- Master course in eHealth
- Undergraduate courses for professionals
Contact person for Linnaeus University Systems Community (LNU-STC) is Sadaf Salavati.
- Ali Hamidi doctoral student
- +46 470-70 87 91
- alihamidilnuse
- Anita Mirijamdotter Professor
- +46 470-70 86 35
- +46 70-337 75 24
- anitamirijamdotterlnuse
- Arianit Kurti Associate professor, head of department
- +46 470-70 83 75
- arianitkurtilnuse
- Fisnik Dalipi Associate professor
- +46 480-49 77 24
- fisnikdalipilnuse
- Gerald Midgley Guest professor
- geraldmidgleylnuse
- Lars Magnusson
- +46 480-49 77 13
- +46 72-227 20 85
- larsmagnussonlnuse
- My Villius Zetterholm Senior lecturer, promoted lecturer
- +46 480-49 77 11
- myvilliuszetterholmlnuse
- Päivi Jokela Associate professor
- +46 480-44 60 71
- paivijokelalnuse
- Sadaf Salavati Senior lecturer
- +46 470-70 80 60
- sadafsalavatilnuse
- Saeed Niksaz Doctoral Student
- +46 480-44 73 22
- saeedniksazlnuse